Promoting our sport

Tim H

New member
I was wondering if anyone was doing anything to promote our sport. I know in years past a lot of people lost interest because of lack of moderation in forums and a few bad apples at shoots. It seems to me that that most of the bad apples have left our sport and internet sights are being moderated a lot more strictly. This being said is anyone doing anything to promote our sport again? Especially IBS 1000yd benchrest. I just looked on there sight and they have have averaged less than 100000 hits per year for the last 10 years. I know we lost our magazine precision shooting. Which our membership monies went to fund. I was wondering what is being done with our membership monies now and why aren't we using those monies to promote our sport?
Tim, I know what you are saying but the different factions on this forum seem to be who has the the best sand box to play in, not to better long range as a the end game. Both are alive and well. The IBS went to an other site to try to promote it, and i understand it has worked……. jim

Thanks for the response I appreciate it. Also anyway to send me the new web sight. I tried to send you a PM but could not figure out how on this forum.
One of the simple issues that prevent better promotion of benchrest, is the lack of pictures and reporting of things other than match results. I know the fellow that owns and edits, and he is often frustrated by the lack of good material that would make a story interesting to someone who does not (yet) participate, or know those who do. He can tell what gets looked at on his site, and for instance, equipment lists get a lot more attention than match results. I have explained to him that pretty much everyone at a match is busy with shooting, cleaning, loading, scoring, changing targets, and so forth, so there is little time, for photo essays, by the participants. What is left is to make some prior arrangement to have someone, who has no other responsibility, and is not participating in the match, take some pictures, and notes for captions. This is something that is doable. It just needs to be seen about like the myriad of other detals that make up a match. It need to be on the list, which at the present, it is generally not. Last night, I enjoyed looking at the pictures on the IBS site. I had read the names in Precision Shooting over the years, and it was interesting to put faces to some of them. It was also interesting to look back into the 80s at the equipment.
Boyd, If you go to IBS ranges and check Va.1000 news and match results you will see why we don't post pics……… LOL…… jim
Boyd & Jim You got the picture thing right, I for one like to put a Face with the name I have enough trouble remembering names! We haven't got anyone at our club that can post pictures on the web page anymore, but we are in the process of getting that fixed. Pictures are worth a thousand words. People love seeing what the club looks like before make up there minds about joining.

Joe Salt

Why do you think IBS tied up with There are 120,000 visitors per week to that site. Our coverage is not free either.

Jeff Stover
IBS President

Thanks for the positive response and great ideas with the pictures and equipment.


I appreciate you responding to my post. I'll send you an email
longrange forum

There is a new longrange hunting and shooting forum on the website that was started last week. I know there are many pa. and neighboring states longrange hunters and shooters that come on this site. I hope that they can go to the Pa. site and contribute some of there knowledge. I go to the benchrest central almost daily and I am not try to take away anything from the great website, it is one of the best websites we have.