Problem with classifieds - login ?

John Faughn

New member
I have not been here for some time , dropped out of competitive shooting ;(

My computer & this forums recognised my login info , but I went to classifieds to post a Hawkeye borescope , and the system does not recognised that I was logged in - starting from the forums , then used the same login info for classifieds , and not able to access ?

Thanks John
I've never tried to sell anything but I tried to log in just now under 'sell' and it denied me too...... no idea
Trying to list something for sale In the classifieds here has always given me so much trouble that I just gave up and listed the item on another site.
Doggy dew , was hoping to keep in the same use mostly bench rest stuff .
I'll some other sites , maybe someone will come up with an idea .

Warning to anybody looking at the Hawkeye borescopes , be careful what cleaning chemicals you use - the reflective surface was removed by cleaners .
This was about 15 yrs. ago , and I was using Butch's from Montana [ he has past some time ago ] products at the time , he use to come to MN often to our monthly matches .
It takes two different accounts/logins between the forum and classifieds. One will not work for the other. I just logged in the classifieds and it still works fine.
It takes two different accounts/logins between the forum and classifieds. One will not work for the other. I just logged in the classifieds and it still works fine.


Thank You

I just went over and "opened my account" or whatever..... the confusing part was to "copy/paste this link into your browser's address field" .... but I just blued it and right-clicked it pasted it into my 'new tab' and it worked.

Computer people just don't appreciate how far out the loop the rest of us are...... but then if I told the normal tech nerd to "just disconnect the vacuum and set 'er to 12 degrees advanced from TDC" they might not always get it first try neither....
Ok thanks , I'll give that a try .

" just blued it " has no meaning to me ?

That's just some "Al speak" for you ;) After interpreting it for many years I more or less "unerstand" (more Al speak) the language. What he meant by "blued it" is selecting text with your mouse (it'll turn blue) and then right clicking the highlighted text to copy it so you can paste it elsewhere.
Thank you WSnyder :)

Yes, John Faughn WSnyder has nailed it.

If you "left-click and drag" over a piece of properly formatted text it will turn blue.

If you right-click on the blue stuff a box will pop up with an option to 'save' which you can left-click on and "save in your mouse".

If you want to use the stuff in your mouse you find a place to put it, right-click, box pops up, you hit 'paste'.....

I deal with people in the real world. I have no freakin' IDEA whether or not someone understands me so I expect people to ask for clarification.

---- yes, I'm the guy you see walk into the grocery store and just stand there until someone asks "can I help you?" At which point I ask "can you point me to the bread aisle please?" ----