

Active member
I bought 100 large rifle primers last summer for $3.50. I also wanted to buy 1000 CCI 450 primers but they were out. I tried Cabella's in Boise but no dice. I went online and everyone is out of stock. I got word the CCI 41 military would work as well. Could only find them on a couple of bid sites. They want $150./1000 which is $110.00 more than I had paid for the CCI 450 on the previous purchase.

What is going on?

biden...plain and has been empty and expensive for months
i suspect the mil, 41/34, will not be as consistent
For the several decades I've been reloading there have been a number of shortages for this component or that. Trying to remember how many primer shortages now. I know several BR guys who are sitting on enough primers to provide the Normandy Landings. I'm not at that level but would imagine that I'll leave lots of primers to my heirs.

In every shortage, it's the same thing, prices get up to some level sufficiently escalated to prize a few primers out of the hands of the hoarders but then it begins. "It's immoral to profiteer, you should sell at the price that you bought." I call total BS and call on the guys adamant about no profiteering to start selling their hoard at $12/thousand.

In keeping with the no profiteering, I've often wondered if they would sell the house they bought in 1978 for the same they paid.
yup this thing called politics has inspired another scare , making the sheeple hoard stuff.
When I bought the large rifle primers this year, I thought the small rifle primers would be more available when the pandemic fears were settled and Trump was reelected. I'm paying for my optimism.

Two days ago 5000 CCI were offered for $850. Today that price is $950.

This is total B.S. I feel like it's hooray for me and **** you.

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When I bought the large rifle primers this year, I thought the small rifle primers would be more available when the pandemic fears were settled and Trump was reelected. I'm paying for my optimism.

Two days ago 5000 CCI were offered for $850. Today that price is $950.

This is total B.S. I feel like it's hooray for me and **** you.


Dang Mort, Most of us understand/remember history. Stalin, Hitler, Ortego, Mao, Chavez, Maduro, etc were all legally elected.
After the so called Election, what happens? The opposition is demagogued. Firearms are declared illegal. Because the opposition is trying to, over throw the New Regime.
The opposition is rounded up into prison camps.
Which destroys economy. Because they are the tax payers and job makers.....Did you know Government does not created jobs? And Communism only works till you run out of other people's money....
Guess, who thought they got elected? A bunch of Commies. They think, they now have a mandate......After you destroy a countries economy, what's next....
Oh, yea. The cost of reloading components go up. It started as soon as Uncle Joe stole the nomination from Brother Bernie.....June/ July.
And I don't watch TV.
naw..they are brass and can be recycled
there is even utube stuff on re-use

You do NOT want to make priming compound at home.
If you can even get a major fraction of the material required.
It is NOT 'strike anywhere match heads.'
See Cooper, "Explosives Engineering" if you want to see 'recipes.'

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Some have to keep learning the lesson

of staying two years ahead on components. No other way to do it if one wants to be able to shoot. If folks are new and not experienced shortages, let this time be a lesson and remember it.

Dang Mort, Most of us understand/remember history. Stalin, Hitler, Ortego, Mao, Chavez, Maduro, etc were all legally elected.
After the so called Election, what happens? The opposition is demagogued. Firearms are declared illegal. Because the opposition is trying to, over throw the New Regime.
The opposition is rounded up into prison camps.
Which destroys economy. Because they are the tax payers and job makers.....Did you know Government does not created jobs? And Communism only works till you run out of other people's money....
Guess, who thought they got elected? A bunch of Commies. They think, they now have a mandate......After you destroy a countries economy, what's next....
Oh, yea. The cost of reloading components go up. It started as soon as Uncle Joe stole the nomination from Brother Bernie.....June/ July.
And I don't watch TV.

I do watch TV. and I still didn't get it....My bad

of staying two years ahead on components. No other way to do it if one wants to be able to shoot. If folks are new and not experienced shortages, let this time be a lesson and remember it.


I have been reloading since the mid- sixties and don't remember anything like what is going on now.A few years back I was down to my last can of BLC-2 when I found out there was a powder shortage. When it was available again the price had gone up. I have plenty of everything except CCI 450. Have lots of CCI 400 and wil use them for the time being.

I think this situation is going to last for some time.

Strange as it sounds, I've never loaded hand gun ammo....rifles only. I'm going to start loading 38Spl and 357 Magnum for a couple of my revolvers and needless to say, small pistol primers are virtually unobtainable at this point in time. A couple handgun pals have been using thin cupped (.020-.021) small rifle primers in their hand gun ammo with good results. Thankfully, I have 1000's of WSR primers on hand.

This chart isn't complete but may be useful. On another note....if you're stocked up with more than you can possibly ever use, help your fellow shooters out and pass them on.

Good shootin'. -Al
