If you use an RCBS straight arm 'bench primer' you can feel the primer slide in, the protruding anvil touch the case, and the slight movement of forcing the anvil legs flush with the primer cup.
It is harder to feel with the mechanical advantage and friction of 'hand primers' using a 'cam' type surfaces.
The 'hand primers' can be improved by polishing the friction surfaces and putting some molly past on them.
I'm not doubting Bart in the least. It was his mention of the article by John Gammuto that I thought would be a good read.But...you just read the gospel....right here. Why would you go anywhere else to read anything about accuracy.
The Question he ask was about WOLF large rifle primers, Not about Fed or what ever. I did fool with this 4-5 years ago and yes you need a little more than touching due to the click bang issue they have. As for the diameter being larger i found that to be false with the lots i had. I never found them to out shoot or be more consistent than the CCI 450's and BR4's in the small primers and they do not do as well as LR Federal GM's…….. Jim O'Hara
Not the way I read it! He asked about preloading primers in general. Then went on to say he is currently using wolf primers.
Tell me more about the click bang issue. Nearly sounds like the primer wasn't bottomed out to begin with.
Bart, i don't think them not seated to the bottom was the problem, i could feel them touch in uniformed primer pockets. A delay in ignition was there due to very hard cup (for slam fires) and or the different mix the Russian primers use. They shot OK but not good enough for me to live with the click bang issue.Tried them in the 6.5x47 and the Dasher and Large rifle in my 7mm08. Maybe they changed them from when i had them, but i don't plan to find out….. jim
Wilbur you have always been a renegade! From shooting free recoil and then hanging on to the gun, pinching bullet noses with pliers and shooting them! Now shooting with primers falling out! I also remember a lot of "dark art" practices such as, looking at people's targets and wishing shots out, and the illegal use of three leaf clovers for jinxing shooters!