Precision Shooting subscribers - IMPORTANT

There will never be...

another Frank Murphy. He answered dumb questions with more patience than any saint I ever met. He had the gift of being able to explain complicated technical things with simplicity and clarity.

He was planning on attending his first Super Shoot the spring he died. At Brennan's suggestion he called me several times with questions about going to Kelbly's, where to stay, etc. I remember talking to him on a Saturday. The shoot was coming close and we were both getting excited about going.

The next day, Sunday, Dave called me... Frank had died.

You guys are right, there won't be another.

Dick,,,,,,You might want to have Mr. Brennen to get in touch with the printer, or whoever labels the magazines and have them change the address labels to one that sticks to the black plastic better..Mine was barely attached.
By the way, when can we expect another article from you?

Larry Isenhour

I'll call Dave immediately. My issue had the label barely attached when it got here.

Thanks for your interest in my articles. I have two in the works. It should be within a couple of months.

No other gun magazines even come close to what you get in Precision Shooting. Grumpy old benchrest shooters.


I found the article on the Gibson - Linn expedition quite interesting. Just a little bit ago it kind of hit me: they had plenty of guns but not much to shoot in them. Is this a similarity to what we are seeing now?

Yep, when mine turned up, I thought it was either the July edition of wet ,spanked and shaven, or the August edition of Hooters and high heels, but nope, it was just a mag with gun stuff in it.
Butch I think yours is a bit late, I'm a couple of miles further away than you and my copy arrived today........label was still stuck to the black bag.....Ian
I would love to see some more Bill Calfee written articles. I always enjoyed his articles even though some of them are a bit rambling they had an element to them that I liked.

My relationship with PS ended last year, If I want to see dead animals I'll subscribe to a hunting magazine.......JMHO
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Well I still haven't received my August issue and I am used to the black envelope. I have tried twice to call them but no one answeres. Does their office actually have people working in it?

I would love to see some more Bill Calfee written articles. I always enjoyed his articles even though some of them are a bit rambling they had an element to them that I liked.


I agree, or at least rerun the older articles from Calfee.

Where PS has headed recently has me on the "will not renew" list, PS has become a void as far as real precision shooting is concerned as I see it and that is my interest being a benchrest shooter...