Precision Shooting Magazine


Larry Willis

I recently sent in my annual subscription check to Precision Shooting Magazine. The unopened envelope was returned "Not deliverable as addressed / unable to forward". I verified the address was correct. (Same as I previous mailed to, and same as in their magazine.)

Then, I called them 6 or 8 times, and their phone just rings off the hook. Years ago, I found that the editor (Dave Brennan) never did like to use email. Did I miss a memo or something? Are they still in business?
Similar story

I thought I would try out the publication for a year to see what they had to offer. Sent in my subscription and payment details. No response, no magazine and they didn't take any payment. I am suspecting to receive return to sender address unknown in the not too distant future.
FWIW, the last issue shown on their web site is August 2012. There are no announcements or info there, though.

PS recently changed printers. It is now printed in Indiana. The October edition was late because of this change. I don't know about November, since I haven't received it yet. Good shooting...James
They won't stay in business long if they keep returning payments and not answering the phone. It would be easy for them to at least leave a recorded message on their phone. I hope this small publisher isn't suffering from a health problem. That is often the end of such a small company.
As I was just sending in my renewal payment this topic is of interest to me.

Buisness as normal at P.S. I presume.

Guess I shouldn't hold my breath for a screamer patch I mailed in for on Monday.
I write "No Precision Shooting" on my IBS renewal form, so I don't get it. But I seem to remember that they stopped the "Screamer Patch" program some years back...Do I have that wrong?
Besides the new printer mentioned in the Oct. issue, he also said that it would contain fewer pages from now on. Expenses and all, you know. Don
With the advent and growing popularity of online publishing, my guess is a lot more minority publications will either fold of become online only.

At least you don't have the hassle of stuff getting lost in the mail.
Hambone ........ +1

Online publishing could make the printed copy obsolete one of these days. Without the profit motive, there would be very little interest for any hardcopy publisher to provide quality (and verifiable) information. I hope this publication survives.
I finally got a call through to Precision Shooting. They are in the process of selling out to another company. No details are available at this time. They just said that a notice will be mailed to their subscribers as more details become available. Until then, it just wouldn't be good to accept payments from their customers. Your subscription renewal checks will just be returned.
Oh goodie! I suppose that PS will go the way of RIFLE and HANDLOADER now. It's been headed that direction for awhile now.
Hambone ........ +1

Online publishing could make the printed copy obsolete one of these days. Without the profit motive, there would be very little interest for any hardcopy publisher to provide quality (and verifiable) information. I hope this publication survives.


I seriously doubt that it will in its present format.

Online is the future. Whether we old'ns like it or not.
The quality of the magazine, as far as articles is concerned, has been slipping for some time. It started out as a benchrest publication and then as NRA High Power shooting became more popular, their articles featured that discipline more.

Now you get accurizing your AK47, or how to make cases for an obsolete black powder cartridge. Not too much on the precision shooting. Every now and then they do print and article that interests me but that is not worth the almost $40 @ year subscription fee.

If they are not taking renewals, it may make my decision NOT to renew that much easier. The only reason that I have continued the subscription is I began it back in 1988 and have every issue since then. Guess it was just blind loyalty that kept me sending in the check each year.

