Prayers needed.


New member
It is with a heavy heart that I must post this but my friend Allie Euber
Has been diagnosed with liver cancer, he has two cancerous tumors that
Are too large to remove and the only option at this time is a radiation
Drip to the tumors. Please keep Allie and his family in your prayers!!!
OUCH..... why's the big 'C' always go after the good guys??

Lee was my teacher at IBS BR School and I got to spend some time with the Euber Bros..... special folk.

Allie know that you are loved and appreciated

God Bless
Just Terrible News....

Thanks for sharing this very sad news, Scotty.

Allie and his family will be in all my daily prayers. Would ask everyone to please do the same...

A truly great guy whom would help anyone at anytime. He deserves far better...

I have known Allie since 1977 or 78, or when ever he started, or I when I started, or whatever. Get with the radiation and get it beat Allie.
Of all of the people that I have met in the BR world, the Euber brothers are at the top of the list of those I respect. Allie is a man of faith and he tries to live in the will of Jesus. I will pray for Allie and know that God's will be done in his life. My prayer is that you whip this blow from satan like you have done in the past. Get well my friend. James Mock
Much Love and All the best! Allie has been in my life since I was little, you will be in my thoughts and I wish you the best! I know your one tough SOB, and you will give it hell!
I have been rooting for Allie since I started in BR.
He's a great champion and will be in my prayers.
Thoughts and prayers

for Allie, Dianne and the entire family. Truly one of the great guys in our sport... We wish him the best...

Wayne and Pam