Prayers needed?


oft dis'd member
I come in for lunch and find poor Jussie is in the news again... his fam'bly is crying "the other inmates aren't respecting him. this has got to stop!"

I can just see it;

"so, what'cha in for?"
"ummm, a hate crime"
"against myself"
Don't have a clue who you might you actually be talking about or to what to possibly pray about?.
But if you might be referring to Jesse who just got sentenced for trying to pull off a black gay guy hanging hoax that he paid to take place. He was by no means given enough time for him to have to serve.
Yup..... Jussie Smollett..... in the clink for a hate crime against hissownself!! LOL

If I were in his shoes I'd be praying for solitary confinement and no showers.

And I agree, he should go away for a long time.

Sick Bar'stid

Do you still believe a Columbian Neck Tie &/or a Curb Stomping is out of order?

(there are 10's of thousands in the USA that rightfully deserve either of the above....options)

Do you still believe a Columbian Neck Tie &/or a Curb Stomping is out of order?

(there are 10's of thousands in the USA that rightfully deserve either of the above....options)

Not for something like Jussie's disorder..... All I was pointing out earlier is that these are death sentences not "ass kickings"

I still feel the same.
Makes one remember what they did with Rabid Skunks back in the day and some folks are just the same threat to folks still today.
It is absolutely sickening to have to witness what our justice system has now become.
If one can even call it that anymore and sad to say.
The Illinois way......

Dave: Growing up, the North side of my town was pretty rough. My Dad and his buddies talked about what they called the 'North Side Attitude Adjustment'. It involved a dark alley, a blanket and some socks full of wood screws. :eek: The 'adjust-ee' was usually dallying with somebody else's wife, beating his own wife and kids...stuff like that. Between the train tracks and the packing plant there was a long alley between two steel warehouses that my Dad referred to as 'Adjustment Alley'. ;)

Good shootin' -Al