Prayers Neeced ASAP! Bob Scarbrough, Jr.

Prayers Needed ASAP! Bob Scarbrough, Jr.


I am sorry to share this sad news... I just received a very distressing phone call this evening from Nancy Scarbrough, notifying me Bob Jr. suffered a serious stroke last Sunday at their home in Muskegon, MI.

Nancy said the doctors performed immediate brain surgery on Sunday and were successful in removing the clot that caused the stroke.

Bob is currently undergoing rehab therapy and is in need of everyone's immediate prayers to help obtain his complete recovery. Nancy said Bob should be returning home from the hospital very soon to further continue his rehabilitation.

Nancy asked that any cards, flowers, etc.. for Bob be mailed directly to their home instead of the hospital.

Here's Bob and Nancy's home address:
Bob Scarbrough, Jr.
544 North Buys Road
Muskegon, MI 49445

Let's please all come together and pray intently for Bob's quick and complete recovery, and please also pray for strength for Nancy as well...

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Bob, hope all is going better for you today. You are the man! Joyce and I both praying for you and Nancy.

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Some days I hate to stop by the site

When I see a name mentioned I am hoping it is not bad news.

I wish Bob a speedy recovery and rehab. I am sure he has a lot of people praying and wishing the best for him. It helps when you have that special someone at home.

All the best Bob and stay strong Nancy.


Bob, Please get well. We can't, we must not lose men of your caliber. Nancy, Modern medicine has made great strides recently in treatment of acute stroke. People often make full recovery after even serious events. The path to recovery may be long and frustrating but given your and Bob's perseverance and drive I am optimistic about Bob's outcome. Tim
Another mountain

Bob and Nancy, you've both proven to be resilient people. I'm sorry to hear that another mountain has been placed before you. Just know that your friends are thinking and praying for you guys and wishing you the best. Benchrest extends beyond the range and into the lives of those we get to know personally. And you've both been wonderful people to know. Hang in there!

Thank you for the update and he is in my Prayers.
Having experienced some of the permanent ill effects myself I can give testimony to the power of Prayer's.