Powder scales..........a new thread

Other fellows have put the needle on the part that swings. I like your idea better...no re-balancing, and recalibrating. What does one kernel of powder do to your friend's scale's reading?
Do you try to be as irritating as you can, or is it just the way that your mind works? One can disagree without being disagreeable. Try it. I know that it will feel strange for a while, but after a while you might actually like it.
i had given up, but the assumptions by rich,,,well i just had to point out the error of his thinking.
like i said his system will probably work for 600/1000...but it is not what he claims...as good as a lab .02 scale.

facts are facts....i dont point it out to hurt feelings, i point it out because it is wrong...plain and simple.

mike in co
if one was to do as others have done and put the fine pointer on the beam, recalibrate and then ADD A SCALE plus or minus and not just a center mark to the frame, it might be possible to calibrate to less than plus or minus .1 as the scale is designed...but one must also remove the magnetic dampening....'cause hysterious will screw with the beam movement. now go to rcbs/ohous and find how sensitive the pivot system is that they use in the scale.
you might get better than 0.1...
me i'll stick wiht the mx123.

mike in co
Having played extensively with a mx123 and "tuning" balance scales. I can tell you that the real questions are what is good enough, and where are you going to use the scale? If you are working in a very well controlled environment, having a scale that is good to .02 grain can be practical. For anywhere else, for every charge, I don't think so. Mostly, I work up loads "anywhere else" and not in quantities that make it worth while to buy a Chargemaster, which leaves me with a balance scale and trickler in a "wind box". Then there is the question of what matters. If .02 is good, would .01 better? If it would be, how light would the conditions have to be for it to reliably show up at 600 or 1,000 yards? Going the other way, would .05 be worse...on the target? One thing that I have learned is that the guy that shoots well, consistently, is doing something right, probably several things. On the other hand it can be really easy to pay too much attention to one detail, that gets lost in the noise of more influential deficiencies. I think that Rich's scale works well enough enough that he does not feel disadvantaged by it. I guess that the only way of verifying the truth of his belief is to continue to keep track of how well he is shooting. BTW, it is spelled hysteresis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hysteresis
There is a common term for someone who enjoys talking down to people, and seems to find no joy in being pleasant or polite....
Mike you base all of this rant and experience on having shot HOW MANY long range matches?
it was nice to see you post something positive to the thread.
what does my ability to use a scale have to do with how many matches i have shot ?
nothing, nothing at all.
as i said twice, i agree his beam scale will probably work for what he is doing.
and yes i should remember to spell the word correctly as often as i use it.
mike in co
Mike you base all of this rant and experience on having shot HOW MANY long range matches?
I did not make myself clear. I meant to say that if he does well, that evidently his scale is not holding him back. No, you do not have to fire a shot to know a lot about scales. BTW in my scale tuning experience (limited) having the knife edges in good shape makes a huge difference, and after all the other little bits were attended to, it seems that almost imperceptible differences in the position of the bent wire piece that connects the pan holder to the beam are the final source of inconsistency. I have a source, that has made a replacement piece that evidently works better than the stock part, who is shipping me one. If it works as well as I hope. I will be all set. In the mean time I think that I will locate a fast epoxy kit, and mount a needle like Rich has.
Vern..............AMEN!!! Like the saying goes........"Put your money where your mouth is!"

Boyd............When I was trying to get the scale to exactly 30.00, I think maybe one or two kernals dropped accidentally and it jumped up to .02 so I just left it at that.
Rich De
what i said was.....
a beam scale is not a lab .02 scale...no matter how one dresses it up
in 600/1000 yd with large kernel powder, the fine tuned beam will do fine.
i think we can agree on those two statements ??
yes ???
mike in co
Mike...........that is what we have been talking about in the first place? This is the section of the forum that deals with 600/1000 yd. benchrest............is it not? Half the short range guys don't even own a scale:) They just "click!"
Rich De