Portable Press Opinions Sought

RCBS Partner Press

While working with a great number of short range benchrest shooters in the tunnel, I've had the opportunity to evaluate most all the available presses. For portable use with short fat BR cartridges and loading at the range, I still recommend the RCBS Partner over all the others, both commercial and custom. For larger cartridges and/or work in the shop, I use the RCBS Rockchucker.

I like to keep a press and sizing die set up specifically for each rifle. Starting with new cases, I carefully monitor headspace and die settings making small adjustments as necessary to keep the loaded rounds and empties going in and out of the gun smoothly. The partner presses are inexpensive and last a long time so you can afford to keep several around.


Gene Beggs

How do you find the spent primer handling with the Harrell's turret?

Can you share any pictures of the washer setup?



The way that the press comes, the shaft that the turret heads rotate on stands a little above installed turrets, so that they can be rotated without loosening the hold down bolt. (They are indexed by a ball detent) Turrets are held in place with an ordinary black washer. I should mention that my late friend Del Bishop made extensive use of an unmodified Harrels turret and always shot very well, nevertheless, never being one to let an opportunity to do something that might be totally unnecessary, but which would make me fell better go by, I had a friend make me a heavy stainless washer that is designed so that when the turret hold down bolt is tightened, the turret is held tightly against the body of the press, perpendicular to the ram. In order to change the position of the turret, something that I seldom do, I have to loosen the Allen head cap screw hold down bolt a quarter turn or so. When the press is in use, I leave a T handle wrench in the bolt, sticking up above the die(s) so that I can quickly and easily loosen the hold down bolt. The washer has a raised bottom edge that more than compensates for the amount that the pivot shaft extends above and installed turret.
I like the Partner

too. Have 2 of them. Neither has a thread problem and I like the snap in shell holder. It floats and I get good case/die alignment as the ram elevates. They are a great reloading deal imo.
While working with a great number of short range benchrest shooters in the tunnel, I've had the opportunity to evaluate most all the available presses. For portable use with short fat BR cartridges and loading at the range, I still recommend the RCBS Partner over all the others, both commercial and custom. For larger cartridges and/or work in the shop, I use the RCBS Rockchucker.

I like to keep a press and sizing die set up specifically for each rifle. Starting with new cases, I carefully monitor headspace and die settings making small adjustments as necessary to keep the loaded rounds and empties going in and out of the gun smoothly. The partner presses are inexpensive and last a long time so you can afford to keep several around.


Gene Beggs

A year or two ago, Wideners had a sale on the partner presses for $49.99. I bought three. Wish I had bought three more.