Greg Culpepper
In addition to showcasing the talent of the usual suspects (Sam Hall won group for Light and Heavy this past Saturday's match), Piedmont is a crucible for the development of talent, some of it new, some of it very new! John Geschwilm has been steadily developing his craft from the early days of the 600 yd program and earned a First in LG Score with a 194. Eric Wilson (rookie) won HG Score with a 198 (tentative record) and our Range Safety Officer Andrew Cain's young son Hunter (rookie and Jr., I think Hunter is eleven) was all over us finishing Third in LG, Third in HG Group and Fourth in HG Score. Way to go Hunter! Sam, it might be time to begin scaling back the guidance to Hunter. He's starting to crowd you buddy.
Congratulations to our winners and thanks Andrew and Tommy and the rest of the team that give up their Saturdays and provide us this great program.
Congratulations to our winners and thanks Andrew and Tommy and the rest of the team that give up their Saturdays and provide us this great program.
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