Piedmont Gun Club 600 yd Fun shoot


Tommy Williams

Piedmont Gun Club will hold a 600 yard un-registered match January 2nd 2010
Come ready to shoot lg/hg, if the number of shooters allow the matches be completted before it gets dark. Starts at 9:00AM


Tommy Williams
tommy, had the 204 picked out for my first visit. some Shelton fellow keeps wanting to look at Beretta's & Perazzi's in my safe!

You can guess what the loud thunk was you heard. It hit the concrete JUST behind the crown on the top of the barrel, and dead on the top turret. didn't even scratch the scope. Hopefully I have enough time & ammo to test & hope all is well, and have ammo left for the match. If not, I guess the hunting rifle comes with me.

How many rounds will I need up there anyway?

You will need 20 record rounds per class and then however many sighters you need. I like to have 40 rounds per class. However on a real windy day when the wind direction is switching a lot 50 rounds is probably not too many.
