Picture of Johnnie's "Little Group"


Johnnie from KY

Here are a couple pictures my wife took to show the kids.


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But are you sure it wasn’t hung upside down like McMillan’s group!? :D

Beautiful target!
Care to share the equipment used?

Jim :)
Johnny, I hope your group was submitted for world record measurement. It looks like .099" is the current LV 200 yard record. Very likely with a range measured .047" that it would make it even if measured small. Congratulation, very good group.
Johnnie you are a scroundrel, but thank God your better half had the presence of mind to take a couple of pictures. That is a Big WOW. Now you had better put that dollar bill that you took from me with that target when you laminate it, just kidding. But, I would like to sign that target before you hang it on the wall. I will drive to Kentucky to do that, even if I have to shoot with that bunch in Somerset to meet you.
Now as you said there isn't a story behind this but I think there is, what was it you said to Billy Stevens about making something happen? Inquiring minds want to know.
Great, absolutely great shooting.
You are the man.

Dan Honert
Johnnie from KY,
As we say here in upstate NY, Sheeze !,Damn !,Crimenee !, Holy Freekin' Sh-tskys !
If I ever drilled a group like that,I would have to fire a couple of shots at my sighter in the last minute or two, just to make shure my gun wasn't broke !
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Congrats Johnnie

That record will stand a long time. You smoked Skip's .099 from 2002 for sure.

Phenomenal group Johnnie! Good 'ole 8208 again?

How many shots did you say? :D

Couldn't have happened to a better fellow. I look forward to seeing your name in the record book.

Gene's Waiting

Gene Bukys is the new Records Committee Chairman. I bet he faints when he gets that in the mail...........jackie

all I can say is HOT DIGGITTY DOG. That is just remarkable to say the least.

Shooting that at 100 is a chore to be had, but to do it at 200......

Enjoy it man.:D:D

I was with Johnny at the "wailling wall" a couple of matches before that group whining to him about my 3 in 1 hole group and he said "yea, all morning I have been able to get 3 in 1 just keep losing those other two", well on that group he obviously did not lose the other two! Way to go Johnny and it could not have happened to a nicer guy.

As a side note that was not a "honey hole group" but was shot from almost the middle of the range.

Another side note to thank Norman, Chris and the rest of the crew for a very well run match and Wideners for the provided hot lunches.
Equipment List - Johnnie's little group

OK here's the equipment list when I shot my little group. I was using Brady Knight's 65 gr. boattails, Billy Stevens does all of my gun work, I had a March scope, a Krieger barrel, and the powder was some ancient Vietnam era 8208.
I was loading with Billy Stevens and Eddie Harris (NC) and couldn't quite get on my load. It would put 3 in a little group but always spit one or 2 out. So I dropped my powder charge from 55 clicks to 52 and shot this group. It would make a better story if I had to shoot a sighter and hold off or something, but the truth is, I held in the center of the moth ball the whole time, and I was expecting it to spit one, but after the 4th one went in, I just shot the 5th one in the same spot. I turned around to Buddy Ross who was watching in a spotting scope and he said "Are you finished?" And I replied "I hope so", so I counted my brass and it was 7, with 2 sighters, that was it. THAT'S MY STORY AND I'M STICKIN TO IT! Johnnie

For all of us new guys to the sport,this is what dreams are made of----
PROOF---it CAN be done!!!! Thanks. gpoldblue