Pickers or Runners in Score

Here is one point of view. I have this point of view after shooting a score match this past Sunday in st louis. I did ok in the shoot, i really did, but i think i could have done a little better and here is why. While shooting the match i would shoot a few sighters learning the different winds, and the winds effect of the bullet. The wind was normal St Louis pain in the A-- wind, but it was very doable. Anyway after knowing where i needed to hold, or what wind to wait for i began to shoot my score targets. I think i shot those targets about as fast as i could. I hit the ten rings most of the time, but i didnt hit many x's. when i was done shooting the match there was still at least 5 min time. I rushed through the target! For whatever reason i felt like i needed to shoot the targets fast, but the truth was i didnt need to. My x count wasn't as high as it needed to be for a win, and i cant help but think had i slowed my mind down a little and picked my way through the targets i would have had more x's . I didnt need to rush but i did. why? I really dont know. Inexperience i suppose. The conditions were switchy but they always came back. I was clean at 100, i finished 4th at 200 and i think it was 4th of 5th in the 2 gun. I know i could have done better. The rifle was hot, and i had practiced hard for 3 weeks. I was ready but i couldnt slow my mind down. Maybe it was the pressure of the match and wanting to do well? I dont know? I do know that i shot to fast, and i needed to slow down and hold a little more precise. Next time i will try to just slow down! So as someone said above. I do think there is a time for go fast shooting, and i also think there is a time to pick and slow the heck down!! Thats my take!! Lee