perry morton passing



last night about 830 pm. perry morton passed away. heart problems. he went quite fast. let me assure you all, he loved this sport and all of you people. woody
What a great mentor and friend....We had many memorable matches that will never be forgotten..He will be missed by all...Super Shoot will not be the same this year... His candid humor will be misssed in camp this year but be assured we shall hoist a glass to "OLE PERRY" Better said "Morty"

Rest in peace mate!!!
I am absolutely shocked by this news! Very sad to hear this. Perry was a lot of fun to have around.

Matt Guthrie
We will all miss Perry. He was a good competitor, great person, always friendly. Prayers for his family, very sorry for their loss.
Wow...this is a shock. Perry had been a force in this sport. When he broke in, I think in the late 1970s, he was the young Turk. He was one helluva shooter that had a early fiberglas stock painted ala Peter Fonda in stars and stripes while many of the old timers were still using wood. He was not always accepted by the old timers of the day. As they say, "he lived large" the end.

His health suffered in recent years for various reasons. I suspect we will be telling Perry Morton stories for years to come. My condolences to his family

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Benchrest is truly, truly diminished. I camped beside Perry at the IBS Varmint Nationals at Holton last summer. Talk about some interesting tales of previous benchrest doings by him and Fred Hascuster and that old yellow van.....

We will miss you my friend.
Wow, What a loss. Perry was one of the good guys. Guys like Perry are what makes going to matches fun.

Another Perry Morton story:

About ten years ago my daughter and I were headed to Kane, Pa. for our annual N.B.R.S.A benchrest group match. When we got there the relays were all filled accept for one spot. As we were trying to decide which one of us was going to shoot Perry (must have gotten wind)came over introduced himself and offered us his place. We were reluctant at first but after a few minuets we were talked in to it. That was as well as I new the man but it certainly imressed me. My condolences to his family and friends.
This is the son of The General:

I would like to say that it has been an honor to have met many members & friends of the N.B.R.S.A. I would like to thank you for your kind words and thoughts. The General loved you all and truly embraced the sport! God Bless you all! I appreciate the comments and stories about my father. Please keep them coming. The passing of my father has been difficult to accept. I loved him and will miss him terribly.

Kerry Morton
I was so very sorry to hear the news of your dad's passing... He meant a great deal to me and many new shooters whom he freely helped with great advice!

The "General" or "High School Harry" as he liked to be called, was very kind to me when I got started in BR, in teaching me many of the basics of shooting in order to become successful at this crazy game. I can still hear him.... "You're not getting this, Neary" "Watch that 80 yd. flag at Holton"...!
"Winning 2-Gun aggregates is not from the proliferation of shooting small groups, but more the absence of big groups"! Boy, we had a lot of fun!

I really enjoyed going to shoot BR matches at Holton each year, knowing the "General" would be there and would be an easy target for me to tease him constantly, ....all weekend long!

As a new shooter, I can succinctly remember shooting in the Holton Match in July of 2000; whereby on Sunday afternoon the heavy mirage totally washed-out all the rings on our 200yd. targets. I began to complain incessantly "how could we shoot an agg when we can't see the rings of our targets"? After hearing enough of my whining, Perry came over to me and gave me the best advice I would ever recieve, as to "how to shoot in heavy mirage! Much to my amazement, his advice, which I adamantly doubted, worked extremely well, as I shot my first "screamer" group at 200yds. without being able to see ANY rings on my target!

Oh, the many nights of story telling the Eastern Region shooters enjoyed at Holton listening to Perry while we reloaded our cases and enjoyed our beverages... The stories got better every year!

As most Eastern Region/ Holton shooter's know... Perry was also blessed with an acute sense of smell, many believe more than 100X greater then that of a Blood Hound... as he could sniff out ANY cooler, buried or hidden anywhere, up in trees or on top of your RV. Didn't matter... When the light turned to (very..slight) dusk, Perry was going to find your hidden cooler!

Rest in peace, my friend! You will be in all my prayers!