Panda pre fit



I guess this is the money question, but you may set me on the right path.

I am looking for a couple of new barrels I can use in the more serious comps I want to enter, and Kelbly's has some pre chambered LV/HV barrels for a Panda action. Apart from anything else I am wondering what performance I can expect.

I don't have my own reamer, my loads are sized using a Harrell's die and seated with a Wilson seater to what I think is a reasonable standard.

Would I be losing that much in the accuracy game given I am likely to have more issues with errant wind reads?
I guess this is the money question, but you may set me on the right path.

I am looking for a couple of new barrels I can use in the more serious comps I want to enter, and Kelbly's has some pre chambered LV/HV barrels for a Panda action. Apart from anything else I am wondering what performance I can expect.

I don't have my own reamer, my loads are sized using a Harrell's die and seated with a Wilson seater to what I think is a reasonable standard.

Would I be losing that much in the accuracy game given I am likely to have more issues with errant wind reads?

Apparently you are new to the methodologies required to shoot lddy-biddy groups. You will have to find what each individual barrel likes in bullet seating and velocity. even if you order 2 barrels from, say Kelblys, they will be chambered with the same reamer, by the same guy, on the same day, on the same lathe, under the same moon phase, etc. and possibly off the same piece of barstock, they will be like people....different.

Then, later, you order more barrels, they will be some different from these. Just the way it is. You can, over time, eliminate some of the differences by having your own reamer and using the same gunsmith, etc. But there will be minor things that effect what we call "tune", meaning ,crudely, if the barrel is in tune it will shoot some groups in the mid teens (0.150"s) and that barrel out of tune may only shoot in the (0.350") range.

Facts of life in benchrest. Chasing that magic "tune" is why we love it.

Then there is the wind, temperature changes, humidity changes.........

If you are new, welcome!!


Contact Kelblys, give them your action's serial number. Tell them what weight discipline you are going to shoot in.
Ie LV -- HV-- etc. Barrel manufacturer, twist you want, weight if you know, barrel od at muzzel etc.
They are a super quality company and will provide you with what you need everytime.
One thing id do is go to a friendly post office and get a complete weight of your gun, bolt, scope with no caps, etc set up to shoot with no barrel. Give that weight to your gunsmith thats gonna chamber it. Btw any good br gunsmith can chamber your barrel you dont have to use kelblys altho they are a very fine choice.
Kelbly's has some pre chambered LV/HV barrels for a Panda action. Apart from anything else I am wondering what performance I can expect.

I would expect a new barrel from Kelblys will would perform as well as a new barrel from anybody else. Do not try to use your old brass that could be a disaster. Your Harrels die will most likely work for you.

Thank you all for your advice.

I will call Kelbly's and have a talk with them and see if I can organise a set of competition barrels.

Hope to see you in teen aggs. :)

Keep in mind that any barrels (rifles) you get you're hands on may or may not be winners. Hopefully, you will get one that is competitive so you can see the game as it is. So many folks believe that each rifle will perform as well as any rifle on the firing line if given the correct load....which is not true.
Kelbly Panda Barrels

I have a number of customers who I built their rifles. All of them get replacement barrels without returning their rifles. I can turn, thread, chamber headspace, their barrels, test fire them on an Kelbly Panda action in my shop. Spin them off and ship them to the customer, have never had an issue. I only use premium grade barrels. Is this a custom barrel or a prefit, you decide.
Nat Lambeth
One thing id do is go to a friendly post office and get a complete weight of your gun, bolt, scope with no caps, etc set up to shoot with no barrel...............

Take a check weight along when you do this. Doesn't have to be a certified weight but you need to know what it actually weighs which is often difficult in itself. The local post office here had terrible scales a few years ago - nearly a pound off when weighing a 10-1/2 pound rifle. Yes, the scale had a certification sticker on it. It did weigh items lighter than they actually were and they said it was OK for their work.

I'm thinking that when you go to a match that has certified weights you need to make a check weight of some kind while that's available. Sand in a milk jug or something.....