Pacific Tool - Contact Info



Have been trying to contact PT&G by e-mail with no luck. Is something "going on"?
My experience has been they take care of the email last thing of the day or first thing in the morning. Have you given them time?

I have been trying for almost two weeks...using the e-ddress provided on their website..asking for some reamer prints...server reply's that my messager has been "delayed" and then later advises the contact was unsuccessful. Also tried directly to Melina...same result.
+1 on the phone advice. Its always best to ring them instead of emailing them.
Here I am crawling back with my face covered...In spite of double checking my send record...I missed the fact that I had misspelled "gauge" ....sorry for the bother. And, one of my requests was done on a "reply" from a print I had recieved from Melina who apparently is not there any more. Kind of like a plane crash...caused, not by one....but by a series of pilot error.
Email is better....for all parties.

They always get back to me, on email, and I'd hate to take a reamer print over the phone...absurd. Hey if you just wanted the neck and freebore..maybe, but I'd rather read the print myself.

I do not agree with the phone advice, email is more efficient with less chance of communication error. If your pressed for time, a phone call, although interuptive to a vendor, will let them know of your query sooner "Sir, I sent you an email about...."

No one said get the actually print info over the phone but to actually contact someone what is wrong with the phone .I too would want the reamer specs sent by mail , fax, or via computer .
Well, after I came to terms with by "reversal" problem (spelling) ..Kathleen got back to me with one of the prints I requested and promised to have Dave look at my other request. Thanks for the advice.