Outstanding IR 50/50 shooting


New member
I think recognition should given to those Northlanders up in Wis. and Minn. On the new list 7 of the 25 are from that area. I shot against these Northlanders last weekend in the Wis. State IR shoot at Willow River Rod & Gun Club. If you look at the Willow River results the past year you can see these guys are good. Also recognition should be given to Dean Bircher and Elmer Laitala as they have built 90% of those good shooting guns. I had a Shilen Ratchet 4 grove barrel put on my Hall last year. It has won 16 1st places in State and Regional tournaments in IR and RBA this year. For those that don't believe in indexing barrels look at the results they are getting. Last fall I wanted to see how they do the indexing so I drove up and watched them install my barrel. They chamber and fit the barrel and then mount it in a jig they have built and shoot it at 12;00-3:00 6:00 and 9:00 to see what quadrent shoots best. My barrel shot best at the 12:00 and 3:00 position so we decided to index it using the 1:30 position on top. We just split the difference. I saw the results with my own eyes and I believe strongly indexing does work.

It was a pleasure meeting you and it was great to have you come shoot with us - THANK YOU for making the trip to da nort land eh!!

You are correct about the competition level. Ol Fred hit 5th in the list and still has 3 un-recorded matches from Holmen. I know Mitch, Doug, Lou, and myself also are in some of those Holmen results, others as well.

I don't know diddly about indexing but I do know the shooters and the equipment up here are very good. IN the July SOTY match we had 7 250's. The range at Willow River is score friendly in that we are not out in the wide open, but as you saw at state we can have some really miserable swirl and tumbling conditions that flags just can't always show.

I'll also say that I immensley enjoy the crowd we have. These are genuinely good people that enjoy shooting well AND enjoy seeing other people shoot well. With 2 kids and the schedule I keep I don't get to travel to shoot much and meet a lot of other shooters, but Gene, your a class act, you come shoot Willow River any time you can make the drive my friend. I sure hope to make it down your way with some of the guys (and Lou) next year. Too bad Fred will be relegated to sitting and watching as he still has 4 years left on his ban. LOL :D
Actually it's 8

Fred Wickstrom, Mitchell Johnson, Doug Bell, Ron Gilsrud, Ray Wight, Louise Wickstrom, Herb Smith and Dave Weier - that's eight of the top 25! Not too bad for that northern Minnesota and northern Wisconsin clan.

Elmer Laitala & Dean Bircher built everyones rifle listed above except for Mitchell Johnson's, who builds his own and Doug Bells, that rifle may have been built by Meyers. Any of those guys/gal can pull a 250 out in a gale, especially the Fred Wickstrom guy. We're going to prohibit that "red Gun" from any futher competitions!!! - A gun that shoots that good has an unfair advantage!!!!! The rifle still holds a world record shooting Eley orange box club ammo of all things. Unfortunately for us this last spring Fred bought some "quad killer" ammo. Now we're playing catch up..........I've kindly offer to lap Fred's barrel to ensure it maintains it's competitve edge....the fool declined, can you believe that?
Flyshooter I would also like to see you work on the crown of Fred's gun along with the relaping job. That would make it even better.
The one IR50/50 match I was able to attend this summer at MF&G was very enjoyable. You guys would see more of me if I could make it to matches. I shot Mitch's 10.5 and sporter rifles and saw Elmer & Dean's work and they are that good. Once I get a new scope base and some courage for the Marlin I'll get it on a bench.

You guys are too nice anyways... I was kind of surprised how well some kid like myself would be received.
Sure seems like a Dynasty to me. Kentucky style.
You guys really put it to the boys in New York.
I think recognition should given to those Northlanders up in Wis. and Minn. On the new list 7 of the 25 are from that area.
Congratulation to the guys up north. I glad to see the pattern shift somewhat even if it is in your favor. Would love to see ya'll a the nationals and maybe set up a North-West or East-West Championship and the semi-finals and the Nationals.
Bob that sounds like a great idea. I am coming down and the guy that built the guns up there (Dean Bircher) is coming with me. I am sure its late to get those other guys to come but we could work on getting it together for next year. A lot of the guys up there work so it would require some planning, but I'm sure they would be game to have a shoot off like you described. I have a 12 hour drive from Northern Illinois so some of them would have 18-20 hours. I hope to meet you at the National's.
semifinals competition

I'M GLAD TO SEE THE LIST SPREADING OUT OVER DIFFERENT AREAS OF THE NATION as everyone knows, I hate the list). As I alluded to in my post, it would be nice to have semi-finals betweeen two regions- either north and south or east and west. I realize it would be difficult for some who would have to travel quite a distance. I've shot Arkansas twice -992 miles one way- it's tough. I do not know the capacity of other ranges outside the southeast but there must surely be one more centrally located. I know the ARA Nationals are in St. Louis. If it could be worked out it would be a lot of fun. Idea's?
Fred Wickstrom, Mitchell Johnson, Doug Bell, Ron Gilsrud, Ray Wight, Louise Wickstrom, Herb Smith and Dave Weier - that's eight of the top 25! Not too bad for that northern Minnesota and northern Wisconsin clan.

Elmer Laitala & Dean Bircher built everyones rifle listed above except for Mitchell Johnson's, who builds his own and Doug Bells, that rifle may have been built by Meyers. Any of those guys/gal can pull a 250 out in a gale, especially the Fred Wickstrom guy. We're going to prohibit that "red Gun" from any futher competitions!!! - A gun that shoots that good has an unfair advantage!!!!! The rifle still holds a world record shooting Eley orange box club ammo of all things. Unfortunately for us this last spring Fred bought some "quad killer" ammo. Now we're playing catch up..........I've kindly offer to lap Fred's barrel to ensure it maintains it's competitve edge....the fool declined, can you believe that?

Those smith's work don't show up here very much but I must say, I've owned a gun built by Dean Bircher and it was a first class piece or work, real gentleman to talk with as well, nice to see all the well earned recognition.