Only about a month away


It doesn't matter how many Mainers travel as long as the 3 match directors do. Hard to run a match while out on the road. SSOY USED to be what drove my shooting schedule and thus my schedule for holding the matches for which I direct. You are right in that we have a lot of whiners in Maine and not all of them are Mainers. A lot, not all, that whine also do nothing to help with the running of a match, just show to shoot. It is kind of like voting...if you don't vote, don't whine about who gets elected....if you don't help run matches, don't whine about when they are. Besides, it is warm someplace if that is what is important.
It doesn't matter how many Mainers travel as long as the 3 match directors do. Hard to run a match while out on the road. SSOY USED to be what drove my shooting schedule and thus my schedule for holding the matches for which I direct. You are right in that we have a lot of whiners in Maine and not all of them are Mainers. A lot, not all, that whine also do nothing to help with the running of a match, just show to shoot. It is kind of like voting...if you don't vote, don't whine about who gets elected....if you don't help run matches, don't whine about when they are. Besides, it is warm someplace if that is what is important.

What I'm saying is we don't have many matches scheduled when the good weather season comes here, and the time that there are no matches up here when it's nice, they rarely coincide with other shoots that Mainers normally go to is what I'm saying. As far as whiners go, every single person that I've ever shot against up here whines about something, me included. If you'd rather shoot in 20-30 degree weather for the 1st two shoots instead of 70-80 degree weather more power to ya, because I'm certainly not going to waste my time and money shooting in uncomfortable weather when I don't have to. As far as shooters helping running a match, there are shooters up here that feel that they have no say about things that go on up here, so their attitude is like mine, why help? I'm one of those people, but I still help once in a while. Perfect example. I talked to Bunk one day and asked him would you be willing to host the 3 day Firecracker shoot at his range instead of that ridiculous way that shoot is set-up now, which is 2 days in Orrington, and after the 2nd day of shooting 200 yards then having to pack everything up and driving all the way to Damariscotta and setting up at 300 which as anyone who has ever shot a 300 yard match there knows it takes longer than normal to set flags there. It's a pain in the ass normally setting flags there for a 300 yard shoot, but when you have to drive 2-2&1/2 hours then set flags makes it even worse. Bunk said that he would be for it but he wouldn't do it without Goody's approval because I guess that was Jim's baby as I was led to believe from what he said. I told Goody about it and he was all for it, he called Bunk and said it made perfect sense but in the end, I heard it was the 2 other match directors who shot the idea down. Greg said that the Orrington Club would loose money which is BS, because Bunk was going to give Greg two one day shoots to make up for the 2 lost in Orrington and every shooter that I asked liked the idea and I asked them would you be willing to kick in an extra 5 bucks for the one day shoots in Orrington to make up for the lost revenue at Orrington so that we could move the Firecracker to Damariscotta for the entire 3 days? Then also you have Dean, Hillary and Nick and a few other shooter that said they would love to come up, but it's a pain in the butt to get 2 hotels at 2 different places and after Sunday's shoot, pack everything up and move it all the way down to LCRC, set up flags and check into the motel afterwards. That's why those guy's will never shoot the Firecracker again for that reason and neither will I. That's lost revenue right there because the shooters have no say. Why don't you match directors let us vote on things like this instead of 3 people having the say for all the other shooters. You mentioned about voting and whining, let us vote and we won't whine. I thought the whole idea is to attract as many shooters to a match as possible. I guess some people just don't get the concept of how to do that.
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Jim, you have helped me in the past as well as many others. I am fortunate in that respect. I am the person responsible for running my matches and others are welcome to provide perspective as to how to make them better or improve attendance. I will listen but in the end they are my responsibility therefore I do what works for me. If you want a say, join a club and speak out. I am a member of two of the three clubs in Maine, therefore I get a say, while non-members tend to get dismissed. If members don't like the way their director is running the program, get them removed...just remember that someone has to be ready to step in and if there is that person willing to do it, there is still no guarantee that the program will be better or to your liking. I have a personal life beyond score shooting and being a match director, and my personal life is a major influence in when I will have matches. I want to travel in July and part of August and therefore am not around to run matches. If you want matches at Capitol City in July and August, become a member of Cap City, and I welcome you as co-match director. Next season you can have more matches in July and August. We do scheduling at Cap City in the fall so get that membership submitted. Simple solution, join the club and join me as match director. Problem least at Cap City. If you can prove that score shooting at Cap City is in good hands, you can have the whole program. I am disillusioned with the IBS E-board lately and if not for the financial commitment for improvements given me by the Cap City club the past several years, I would leave the program high and dry. There is other competitive shooting beyond IBS and it may be time for me to move on. Just think, you could make the program your own and could let shooters have a say by voting. You could run matches at their convenience and at their whims, although I suspect upon further reflection you would realize just how unworkable your proposal on voting is for a match director. Just saying...get involved instead of punching keys! I would welcome your involvement.
I think the reason

some folks from down south don't attend the Firecracker anymore is: travel distance and other big matches with more shooters and points closer to home.

So why do we want to amend our schedule for folks who may not come anyway? Regardless, I will not be match director at Orrington in 2019, so anyone who does not like the Firecracker 2 range setup can either take over and change things or you can politic with Jim Goody to make the change as he said he would assume match director duties.

For 2018, if some have a problem with the way the Orrington schedule is setup, staying home is an individual option. I am not going too be the one who dismantles the current Firecracker format.
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some folks from down south don't attend the Firecracker anymore is: travel distance and other big matches with more shooters and points closer to home.

So why do we want to amend our schedule for folks who may not come anyway? Regardless, I will not be match director at Orrington in 2019, so anyone who does not like the Firecracker 2 range setup can either take over and change things or you can politic with Jim Goody to make the change as he said he would assume match director duties.

For 2018, if some have a problem with the way the Orrington schedule is setup, staying home is an individual option. I am not going too be the one who dismantles the current Firecracker format.

Go ask Dean why he doesn't come up and shoot the Firecracker anymore and he'll give you the same exact answer that I did. He said he would rather come up here and shoot but not at 2 different ranges and having to get 2 different motels and do all that BS stuff after the 200 yard shoot on Sunday. He doesn't give a rat's rear end about SSOY points. He can win that thing anytime he wants to. And as far as you being the one to dismantle the Firecracker, Goody was all for it and so was Bunk, so explain away.
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It don't mean much Jim

Last year there were 6 people from ME at the NY shoot. That is about 33% of our regular shooters. There are too few shoots that we have in good weather up here. I hear guy's mentioning that every year. There are too few shooters up here that either are unwilling because they don't like to travel or they don't have the money to do it. Then we have guy's up here bitching that the guy's in the south have so many more chances to earn SSOY points because they have so many more match's than us, yada, yada, yada piss and moan, that's all I hear up here from these whiners. The southern shooters don't have more matches, in fact last year they had the least if your divide the shooting area's from Maine to SC in 3 different sections. They have more yardages than we do, and that's because they like shooting those 2 yardage in one day shoots with 7 minute matches and nobody else does, so what's everyone do who doesn't like doing that? Nothing put piss and moan. Hey, if those good ole' boys want to shoot 100 matches like that, who cares let them. I'm sick of people whining about SSOY points. Does it really matter? I mean if you win SSOY, BIG DEAL. What's it really mean. Even Cline told me, he said you know what, I thought when I won last year that I was going to feel something different by winning it. He said I don't feel any different at all. He felt that he wasn't the best shooter last year. He felt that Dewey was and I agree.

I won it one year and was second three times and I can't see where or how SSOY ever enriched me one bit. I had that big trophy on my coffee table for a whole year and exactly one person opened their head about it, ONE. I took note of that and decided to have fun shooting instead.

I did explain

Go ask Dean why he doesn't come up and shoot the Firecracker anymore and he'll give you the same exact answer that I did. He said he would rather come up here and shoot but not at 2 different ranges and having to get 2 different motels and do all that BS stuff after the 200 yard shoot on Sunday. He doesn't give a rat's rear end about SSOY points. He can win that thing anytime he wants to. And as far as you being the one to dismantle the Firecracker, Goody was all for it and so was Bunk, so explain away.

I won't be the one to dismantle the format, period..end of story.I didn't then and won't this year. What Jim does 2019 is his business. I don't make decisions based on a few shooters preferences. I don't care for the 2 yardage Saturday/1 yardage Sunday Bud format. I told Dean that, but I don't see it as my duty to conduct a campaign to change it. At some point, depending on the amount of feedback, Dean may go back to 3 days, I don't know. That is his business as a match director and I respect that. I don't care for that format so I don't go. Pretty simple. I respect his decision to have it the way he wants and consider IBS lucky they have a good match director keeping Thrumont an active range.
What I decided

when I was running the .22 matches, instead of running all over the Northeast was just to schedule more matches at home, so we did it. It's costly to run up and down I-95 and the Mass Pike y'all! so, we scheduled a lot of matches. I also want to try to shoot when the weather is nice so did not schedule any matches in April, rather packed more into the good months. In my view, normally, April is gonna be cold and October is normally gonna be cold and WINDY. Can't schedule against the Nationals in any org I know of but other than that, one can schedule whatever they want, within the rules. It's hard to strike a balance but perhaps a poll could be taken to see how many people would like more local matches?

About 20 years ago I won my first match in a cold wet snowstorm @ "Damascotta" on April 27th or mebby the 28th. I was younger then.

I won't be the one to dismantle the format, period..end of story.I didn't then and won't this year. What Jim does 2019 is his business. I don't make decisions based on a few shooters preferences. I don't care for the 2 yardage Saturday/1 yardage Sunday Bud format. I told Dean that, but I don't see it as my duty to conduct a campaign to change it. At some point, depending on the amount of feedback, Dean may go back to 3 days, I don't know. That is his business as a match director and I respect that. I don't care for that format so I don't go. Pretty simple. I respect his decision to have it the way he wants and consider IBS lucky they have a good match director keeping Thrumont an active range.
You cannot compare the Bud to the Firecracker. Nobody but nobody but Maine has a 3 day shoot in 2 different places. I don't care for the way the Bud is either with 2 matches on Saturday and one on Sunday. I didn't suggest that the Firecracker be set up that way, but like you said maybe Goody will do the logical thing and make it a 3 day shoot in one place instead of the asinine way it is set up now. Randy, I am more than disillusioned with the E-Board after their asinine decision that they made. They screwed every single IBS SR score shooter out there and so did Allie, a legend in his own mind. I lost all respect for the E Board and for Allie for not manning up and doing the right thing by relinquishing everything that he did after his membership expired. Your right about maybe moving on and finding something else to do. I've been debating doing just that since January.
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There's always IR 50/50 Jim

You cannot compare the Bud to the Firecracker. Nobody but nobody but Maine has a 3 day shoot in 2 different places. I don't care for the way the Bud is either with 2 matches on Saturday and one on Sunday. I didn't suggest that the Firecracker be set up that way, but like you said maybe Goody will do the logical thing and make it a 3 day shoot in one place instead of the asinine way it is set up now. Randy, I am more than disillusioned with the E-Board after their asinine decision that they made. They screwed every single IBS SR score shooter out there and so did that XXX Allie, a legend in his own mind. I lost all respect for the E Board and for Allie for not manning up and doing the right thing by relinquishing everything that he did after his membership expired. Your right about maybe moving on and finding something else to do. I've been debating doing just that since January.

No Membership to be concerned with, lots of shoots right in Maine and a swell group of folks to shoot with. AND a real chance at getting into a Hall of Fame if you stick with it long enough. They trust ya to go down range once bolts are out and one can pick up their flags that might blow over or even re-position them if one needs to. Low recoil and noise and did I say a great bunch of people who help each other? Give it a try.
