One Hole Bullet Company


Rodney Brown
I don't normally do product reviews, but last summer I got a call from an 'ol southern bullet maker Larry Harris. He wanted me to give his bullets a try. I didn't know him and did my best convince him that he needed to show up at the Nationals in September, and maybe I'd try 'em out. Fate got to him and his motorcycle first, and the next thing I heard was that he was recuperating from major repairs on his legs and back. But somewhere he found time to send me a couple hundred bullets. I finally got around to shooting them in a match a few weeks ago and managed to pull off a .2070 HV100 agg in some pretty gnarly conditions (best agg I've had in about 2 years). I called him up and got 2000 more on the way. I also told him I'd pass the word along, so here it is. If you're in the market for testing some bullets, I can heartily endorse these from Larry.

You can find his contact info on his website...

Tom Libby asked me to post this for him.

Larry Harris
One Hole Bullet

Larry I went to test your bullets that you sent me with Lou Murdica, we shot them in his rail gun that he has set up with a Chronograph. We started with the 66 gr FB first and worked with the power and seating depth and then found what was a good load and shot five into a .070. They do shoot very well.

Then we went to the 68 BT and went through the same steps and everything went great and shot a .075 so they shoot just a good.

But I don’t have to tell you this as you already know that you make a very good bullet. I am not sure what you want me to do for you? I can spread the word around about your bullets and if you don’t mind I can post some information on Benchrest Central and maybe Accurate both on line sites that the shooters go to.

Thank you, for letting Lou and I shoot and test your bullets.

Tom Libby


One question. In the write up it says "10th" off jam. That's not a tenth of an inch is it. (.100)
I am pretty sure that he meant .010" off jam. It was probably a word processing program induced typo.

Unless he is very precise and meant .0001. :D He used the singular "a" which would mean a "tenth". If it were ten thousandths, the "a" is superfluous.
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Boyd is correct I think, not sure, let me talk to my Guru to make sure, O just try them and work with it :p;)

All I know is they Shoot!!!!

40 years of bullet making experience I see results from 2013 what about the other 38 years? I think I will wait and see on this one. But I am interested in what he developed to make flat base without a pressure ring. Something sounds fishy here.
40 years of bullet making experience I see results from 2013 what about the other 38 years? I think I will wait and see on this one. But I am interested in what he developed to make flat base without a pressure ring. Something sounds fishy here.

Don't that majority of FB bullets manufactured by the large mass producers, (Speer, Hornady, Nosler, Remington, Winchester, etc), lack a gas ring.

I think they run them through a addition die to remove the gas ring that is present on most BR bullets.
Don't that majority of FB bullets manufactured by the large mass producers, (Speer, Hornady, Nosler, Remington, Winchester, etc), lack a gas ring.

I think they run them through a addition die to remove the gas ring that is present on most BR bullets.

Jackie, I can't speak on all but four do not...George
OK, let's say I was gonna make some flat base bullets....

How would I prevent the pressure ring...and use...say...Berger jackets?


Edited to add...not that I would think I needed to - just asking since there's some bullets out there that don't have a "pressure ring".
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Wilbur that's what I was asking on post 7 maybe mr. harris can explain the process he has devolped
Larry makes a great bullet! I highly recommend folks give him a try! Great guy and great bullets!

I sent an email to inquire about some bullets, but no responce. The job site I've been working on has little to no phone service so I haven't been able to call. I'll keep trying I guess. Lee
I sent an email to inquire about some bullets, but no responce. The job site I've been working on has little to no phone service so I haven't been able to call. I'll keep trying I guess. Lee

Steve, one of the emails I have for Larry Harris One Hole Bullet is Victoria Harris His phone number is 502-381-7742 this is with his approval to post.

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