One day load is fine,next day the bolt needs to be beat to extract

Case necks too long?

If your "trim" is OK you have no alternative but reduce the powder charge.

Case necks can grow quite a bit in one FL sizing. Actually, the straw that breaks the camel's back occurs in a single sizing. This could explain the "one day good - next day not" thing.
I doubt ambient temp was the problem, 60* F to shirt sleeve weather isn`t much change. I think the load is just too much, and it took a couple shots fired to show. Hodgdon lists 36.5 gr of IMR4007 with a 70 gr bullet. Your load is about 10% heavier with a bullet almost 10% heavier. I don`t believe that AI case capasity is much over 10% that of the std case.
As for the guy on Snipershide. He has a barrel "similar to" yours by the same maker. The chamber, throat, headspace, ect are very likely different then yours. The brass, primers and bullet lots are not the same as yours and the powder R22 in much faster then IMR4007ssc and is in no way the same as yours. You just can`t compare two different powders in them.
I`d back down.....JMO

Reloader 22 is much SLOWER than IMR 4007 .
Larrys Pic

in my opinion the two on the left show no flattening of the primer. indicating ok pressures.
However the two on the right are flattened. look at the outer edge and one can see the rounding of the cup is dissappearing and about completely flat on the far right one. in my opinion both loads on the right will result in brass of action failure in the future if one contiues use. and why??!! if one wants more bullet speed rechamber rifle to a 223rem. increase the boiler room dont blow up the boiler!
just my .02 Fred