On the subject of ethics - -

Not so, Mark. If I count right, 51 of the 77 non-championship points matches in IBS score matches on last years schedule have no requirement for backers. Look it up...backers are only currently required in grand agg events, not for single yardage matches.

I get the refs to look at any that can go either way. If anyone feels they can do better, there is a standing invitation to do so.:cool: I am not a self appointed scorer, but rather a volunteer so that it gets done, and to be of help in running matches.

I don't believe that I conveyed my thoughts completely Mike. Lets try this...
Why do you suspect that the NBRSA uses moving backers at their registered group matches? I was talking about real benchrest matches...:)
Good grief! At our club there are between two and four people who volunteer to help with the scoring process while the rest visit with each other. No one cares who scores who's target. We all get a chance to look at our targets and find any errors. Really the best part of a match is the friendships that we build. The scores will soon be forgotten (unless it is perfect). We do our best to score everyones' correctly.

Concho Bill
I don't believe that I conveyed my thoughts completely Mike. Lets try this...
Why do you suspect that the NBRSA uses moving backers at their registered group matches? I was talking about real benchrest matches...:)

Forgive me for this, but I'll have to defer to you old farts that shoot those real benchrest matches:cool:
Good grief! At our club there are between two and four people who volunteer to help with the scoring process while the rest visit with each other. No one cares who scores who's target. We all get a chance to look at our targets and find any errors. Really the best part of a match is the friendships that we build. The scores will soon be forgotten (unless it is perfect). We do our best to score everyones' correctly.

Concho Bill
Exactly right, Bill.
Not so, Mark. If I count right, 51 of the 77 non-championship points matches in IBS score matches on last years schedule have no requirement for backers. Look it up...backers are only currently required in grand agg events, not for single yardage matches.

I get the refs to look at any that can go either way. If anyone feels they can do better, there is a standing invitation to do so.:cool: I am not a self appointed scorer, but rather a volunteer so that it gets done, and to be of help in running matches.

And...single yardage matches are good for useing as an excuse to get out of the house to go shoot with your buddys,but other than that, not much use for them. 51 of the 77 NON-CHAMPIONSHIP POINTS MATCHES in other words....fun shoots! :cool:
And...single yardage matches are good for useing as an excuse to get out of the house to go shoot with your buddys,but other than that, not much use for them. 51 of the 77 NON-CHAMPIONSHIP POINTS MATCHES in other words....fun shoots! :cool:

Mark, IMO either backers should be required or they shoudn't, except for championship matches where there are shooters from any and everywhere. There are no points paying fun matches that count toward SSOY, IMO. As it stands, the majority of matches don't see them necessary.....I don't disagree as I don't see them as being sufficient proof that a shooter has cheated, especially without uniform rules as to their placement from the target....I'm referring to that game we call score where we use real BR rifles and just try real hard.:confused:
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I do agree that the backer distance from the target should be standardized! Backers in a score shoot are more useful for determining a cross fire than anything else and they don't happen all that often from what I've seen, but if/when it does happen, that would be a useful tool. Oh yeah...that game we call score....the (Junior Benchrest League). :eek:
I do agree that the backer distance from the target should be standardized! Backers in a score shoot are more useful for determining a cross fire than anything else and they don't happen all that often from what I've seen, but if/when it does happen, that would be a useful tool. Oh yeah...that game we call score....the (Junior Benchrest League). :eek:

Mark, there's plenty of room at our matches for any REAL br shooters if they will come and show us how it's done. If you know any....send them our way.

I hope you know I'm kidding........................................................sort of!;)
Certainly I know that you're just kidding............."Sort of", ..... as well....I hope you know that my comments were made with a sprinking of "intended humor"............................................................................Mostly! :)
Not exactly on topic, but evidence of the fairness of benchrest shooters...

There was a 100-200-300 yard match at Dublin a fair bit ago. A fairly rare format. In the 200 yard match (I think LV), the last target of the guy leading for four targets was scored as .6XX.

During the protest period, Wilbur Harris put up his money & protested it. It was re-scored, correctly, as a .5XX.

It wasn't Wilbur's target, he just saw an potential injustice & paid the fee to have it checked. And that change let the guy who shot it get first place for the yardage. If Wilbur hadn't noticed, he would have dropped to 2nd.

I remember this match for the obvious reason, and also because that was the match when Wilbur decided to see how long he could go without any cleaning, before his groups opened up. He made it until noon, the second day...
jeeepers, just think how far he'da gone with moly!!! He'd STILL not have hadda' clean!

Don't get me started..I tried that moly stuff much in the same manner. Yes, did it right and no, not gonna do it again. Anybody need a barrel full of moly coated copper?
Hmm. Were they great barrels before they became so choked? Easier to get that stuff out than it is to find a really good barrel. And they'd be fitted for a old Panda, right?

Tried it on a brand new barrel and, frankly, it didn't start out with any promise whatsoever. Now that you "forced" my recall and afterthoughts, I'm pretty sure I was glad to find it was laden with copper. Killed two birds with one stone. First, it reinforced my belief that moly didn't buy me anything and second I could screw on another barrel. About the only reportable thing I learned was that moly would hide copper from normal methods of detection - aside from the fact that neither side of the moly fence can be convinced otherwise.:eek:
Thanks Francis...back on track...

Taking the question to extremes. One extreme is to insist on an unbiased scorer - one that sits in isolation without any influence. The other is to have everybody score their own target. In an ethical sense, the former would seem to eliminate any question. The latter should be OK for those comfortable with the scorer scoring his own target.