Ohio 1000 Match Results 1&2 4-5-08


Tom Sarver


This weekend was the start of our 6th shooting season here at Thunder Valley.

I appreciate all who participated in the match this weekend. We had some new shooters and the next match promises even more form the folks I have talked to.

Although we had some complications here and there I and others seemed to have a good time sharing stories from over the winter and such.

The weather was'nt too bad either and was better than last year for sure!
Anyway thanks to all who came and helped us continue to keep OUR range going and the sport growing.

The winners of match #1
LGG- Tom Sarver, OH 6.351"
LGS- Jeff Bowman, NC 45
HGG- Jeff Bowman, NC 13.260"
HGS- Bud Williams, PA 92

By the way I enjoyed meeting you Jeff Bowman. You were great to talk too and opened up a CAN in Ohio and it was nice to see Blake Daniels again. Hope you can find a spot to hang all that wood!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your victorys.

Match #2
LGG- William Ice, WV 3.915"
LGS- Jeff Bowman, NC 46
HGG- Jeff Walker, VA 9.661"
HGS- Jay Cutright, IL 94

Thanks to all of those who helped out this weekend, in the shed ,line and target crew..and thankless job by the way.

Especially to Jeff Walker who took control of the shed and did his best to compile the data (computer went nuts) and made it all come together for us all. Jeff, your a great asset to this sport because of all the help you give to all who need it were ever you go. Your another Phillip Yott for sure. We appreciate your efforts and you participation. Hope you come to shoot with us again soon.

Bruce Baer and others spent the day shooting their Chey-tacs at the mile target and getting some good results. One four shot group was under 4" !!!!

Hope all had a good time, see you next match.

Thanks for the kind words Tom. It was a great match that went very well as far as I cold tell. Nothing out of the ordinary for a club's first match of the season.

It was good to see a lot of new faces, as well as to see more of your local shooters showing up. And it was really great to see more shooters stepping up to help out with the necessary jobs of running the match ! I could not have done what all I did without those who came in to help me score targets.

I am trying to attach the results for the match on this post for anyone who wants to see. I hope it works.



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