I did get them moved. Of course, it rained that day, so I spent hours drying them off, removing rust, and oiling them up. But they're in. See attached pic.
I'm more worried about Firestone Walker virus than I am the Corona virus. I've had the Firestone Walker virus several times before. It feels a lot like a hangover...
I did some quick math based on the latest Corona virus numbers. Approximately 4300 people in the U.S. are thought to have it, or .00014% of our population. Of those 4300 cases, 75 have died, for a motality rate of 1.7%. The regular old flu is pushing a 1% mortality rate, for comparison sake.
Now...think about those Corona virus numbers. They've caused businesses and schools ordered closed, food hoarding and fistfights in grocery stores, mandates that people do not leave their homes in some locales, fear, panic, and uncertainty, and, oh yeah, the trashing of our economy. Everyday there are more restrictions put in place, with the politicians seemingly trying to "out react" one another. All of this being driven by the media, who get to decide what gets to be the news. What a way to boost your ratings...turn the Turbo Sniffles into the end of mankind. And if you're a politician and take a more moderate and pragmatic view of the virus, you are savaged.
How this all is being portrayed and handled really pisses me off. And mark my words, should this lead to civil unrest or disobedience, they'll be talk of going after our guns. My asshat governor, Gavin Gruesome, will be at the forefront of this.
It's effing' ridiculous.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I was supposed to die from the Swine flu a few years back. I have some catching up to do...