Oak Ridge , TN 600 yd. BR match ?


New member
I was hoping Larry S. or anyone planning on attending Saturday's IBS 600 yd. BR match at ORSA that knew the gate code # you all are using for the day's match would post it . It has been a few months since I shot there and I had heard the code # has changed.

ORSA code

The code for Saturday is 2113#

I hope to be there by 7:30 and will post the number on the keypad. But you now have the code if you beat me there.

I just check the forecast and there is a cold front that is supposed to be moving through with showers. Hopefully it will hold off to later in the day.

Jeff Summers and I are in St Louis for the NBRSA 100/200 Nationaks that will not be over till Sat. PM

You guys have fune!!
ORSA Match tomorrow - weather stinks

Hey guys,

The National Weather Service is forecasting 80% chance of heavy rains tonight and 100% chance of heavy rains tomorrow.

Given that most folks travel some distance, should we go ahead and cancel tomorrow and hope for better weather for the October rain date? I hate for people to travel a couple hours for nothing.

I'll be out there in the morning but I don't think there is anyway to get the whole match in. Since we have to set up and take down the benches and targets, we're going to get wet at some point.

