


If anyone here is not a member of the NRA, I suggest you look around. It isn't about AK47s. It is about micro stamping, making all guns with magazines illegal, gun registration, gun range rules...the list is long. Want more evidence....try to find primers, powder or just about anything related to handguns right now.

Yes the NRA send a lot of crap, but they do more to secure your right than you will ever know. The small fee helps to support their legislative action and high member numbers mean politicians pay attention when their leaders speak.

Big Dog

Years ago, I held distain for the NRA, I believed they were just a bunch of antagonist.

But I have since learned that they are THE organization with the political clout and recources to fight the good fight. They seem to understand that you simply do not compromise with those whose aim is to do away with the 2d Amendment.

Sure, there are warts. And they can be overbearing. But, compared to what the Liberals in the Government want to do to our liberties, they are certainly worth supporting. .........jackie
Dont forget about the state rifle associations. You're are more likely to be affected by a state legislative action than a federal one. Look at CA, NJ, NY.
Bird Dog is correct. The NRA is looking out for the gun owner and the second amendment. Everyone who owns a gun should belong to the NRA the cost is peanuts - if you value you guns. You can say the government is not going to get my gun, however, look at the history in Europe & Asia ie. Germany, Russia, China. First the communist take your guns, then your religion, and then they can control you like sheep. It is time to wake up and see what is taking place with the existing politicians / government in the USA - both federal and state. Who is looking out for the gun owner? It is time each one of us got off our duffs and stood up for the constitution of the United States before it is too late, time is short.

Thanks for chiming in. I agree that the NRA is not perfect and I don't agree with everything single thing they support. However, that is true of every organization with which I associate. Clout is the right word. Membership means clout which means a bigger force fighting to keep your "current" rights in tact.

I also like the idea of supporting your local/state organizations. For those who hunt, groups like Mule Deer Foundation, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, etc. do a great job of improving the health and habitat of the wildlife which is also necessary to continue enjoying the great outdoors.

AMEN! If the only reason to be a member of the NRA was to get one of the magazines it wouldn't be worth it. But no other group does more to support ALL gun owners than the NRA. The guy who says that he has no use for the NRA because nobody wants to take his .30-30 deer rifle or duck gun hasn't been paying ANY attention to the gun banners at all.

Look at England to see what they'd like to do here and elsewhere.
I am a Life Member--those IDIOTS call me all of the time:mad:!! Once every weekday(caller ID) for 2 weeks!! Finally answered one and put on my best Chinese accent and told them that they had a bad number. No calls in a couple of weeks!:)
The NRA under the guidance of Wayne La piss-air, has become a big pay day for himself and the rest of his family.

You want to do some real good with your dollars and voice, join the National Shooting Sports foundation!

All the NRA does is follow behind the NSSF, after they dig out the dirt. This is the absolute truth.
They bug you all the time

Ton's of junk mail letting you know your membership is going to expire in six months. Phone calls wanting money for everything under the sun. Predicting the end of the world if you if you don't send them some cash. But every couple of years they do some good work.

wish they would keep the junk mail
Good point, Al.........

I think that some of the other organizations need to put more heat on the nra. I know that every time I get a newsletter from GOA, there are at least two to FIVE things they are commenting on, that hasn't seen the light of day in the nra rag. You can't tell me that isn't by design. I joined GOA simply because the nra was taking a position on pending legislation I didn't agree with, and when it passed, Carolyn McCarthy & Sarah both commended the nra publicly for getting on board! THAT was enough for me!! They began their compromising with the GCA-'68, and I'm just THROUGH with compromise. COM-pro-mise, combining a plus with a minus, to arrive at nothing.;) One thing about the GOA, as far as I'm concerned, they lead by EXAMPLE. Keep up the heat, GOA!!
I agree that none of these organizations are perfect, but we need to support as many as we can. Like it or not the NRA has way more clout than the others. I have been a life member since 1977; I do send them money since they certainly have spent the $150.00 I paid for life membership back then. I also belong to several other organizations as well. Remember this is what our liberal politicians are working towards:
” This year will go down in history;
for the first time a civilized nation
has full gun registration!
Our streets will be safer,
our police more efficient, and
the world will follow our lead
Into the future”

Adolph Hitler 1935
There is some talk of legislation requiring a million dollar firearm liability policy to own a firearm. If this happens, I hope the NRA will have a policy to cover this. I am also sure that every gun owner will be forced to join. The fed might get more than they wanted. Careful what you wish for
I'm a lifer and support them when I can afford it and even when I can't. I asked my brother why he does'nt join or support the NRA and he said he had 20,000 reasons why he does'nt ,he claims that's the # of gunlaws that have been put on the books the last 60 yrs., I rest my case. :(
Reply to Dirtball - Very well said.[/B] I like the quote from Aldoph Hitler. It would not suprise me if Mr. Obama uses Mr. Hitler's famous quote and dates it 2009.
For those of you who are not pro NRA try living in New York State (which is pretty much a communist state) and you would welcome all of the political clout that the NRA has to offer. Some of you folks need to take off the blinders and see what kind of government is running this country.
Gun limits

The att gen and Oboma have cut off the funding for the equiping/trainning of airline pilots to be Federal Marshalls when they carry the pistols on a plane.

There is nothing these two wont do.
Paul Ryan

When you renew your membership you can ask them not to contact you. Other than the Magazine, I have not had any correspondence from the NRA in at least 8 years. YMMV
When I lived in Seattle I watched Wayne LaPierre "debate" Sarah Brady on tv, when she'd let him get a word in edgewise. My wife who could care less about guns, turned to me after it was over and said, "your side won". He sat there and let Sarah run her mouth and look like the ill-mannered shrew she is, and gave her all the rope she needed to make herself look terminally stupid. Then he shot her down in flames.

I've seen NRA presidents come and go, and at least LaPierre is concerned about the 2d Amendment unlike some who figured that sucking up to Chuckie Schemer and the rest of the gun banners to show them that we could be agreeable was the way to go.

The NRA isn't perfect, but if anyone can show me any organization that is I'd sure like to hear about 'em.
Though I am

an NRA member, LaPierre is more concerned about his $900,000 per year paycheck than the 2nd Amendment. Take half of that green away from him and watch him disappear. The NSSF has a proven record of leading our cause.
The NSSF may be fighting for our 2nd amendment right maybe more so in a "sport shooting" context, all well and good but the NRA is fighting for non sport shooters as well.
Australia had a "sport shooter" organization representing their gunowners and look what happen to the gunowners of that country. The only legal gunowners in Australia are the sport shooters and if your shooting disiplines don't fit the gov't criteria of sport shooting, your screwed. If you do fit in , well your home and firearm storage and caliber restrictions will be randomly checked by police when ever they decide to pay you a visit.
I would not be a bit suprised if 50% of "benchrest" competitiors even support NSSF or NRA. JMO
Hear is the deal, since HARLON CARTER the NRA has taken a bad direction of appeasement with the government. The problem is you just will not admit to being sucked in by the NRA. It has been going on for decades. Look at all the gun laws that have gone on the books since 1920. Then tell me about the NRA's record. The instance background check, was the NRA's way of appeasing the left.:mad: