NRA Lawsuit

You really don’t pay attention to much,to names, facts, probably because you like to ramble on , and, well, based purely on content...... you’re an A..hole.
Every single thread you enter heads south, fast.
You’re ponytailed brother in arms, who cannot figure out the difference between a J and a T dragged this, incorrectly, out to other forums, standing on faith, without the simple ability to apologize for a dumb mistake .

Sorry Wilbur/Elmer, but Jesus.
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You really don’t pay attention to much,to names, facts, probably because you like to ramble on , and, well, based purely on content...... you’re an A..hole.
Every single thread you enter heads south, fast.
You’re ponytailed brother in arms, who cannot figure out the difference between a J and a T dragged this, incorrectly, out to other forums, standing on faith, without the simple ability to apologize for a dumb mistake .

Sorry Wilbur/Elmer, but Jesus.

this is gold ;)

I be save it before it gets edited again....
I do apologize for the mistake and the mix up in names. But not for posting the link to this discussion. As it clearly shows my error in the names as you pointed out on the other site. It actually proves you as being right and myself as making a mistake and that is an apology in and of itself is it not.
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I do apologize for the mistake and the mix up in names. But not for posting the link to this discussion. As it clearly shows my error in the names as you pointed out on the other site. It actually proves you as being right and myself as making a mistake and that is an apology in and of itself is it not.

Fair enough, mistakes are human, shall we move on?
Fair enough, mistakes are human, shall we move on?

"move on" to WHERE exactly??

since you and your cronies have turned the whole discussion into a childish name-calling fustercluck as soon as discussion of beliefs and issues hit the table.... as soon as opinions about "what has caused this and what can we do to fix it" became an issue........ you r'ared up and blamed the people actually doing something. What exactly do you want to "discuss???" We all know you think the NRA is dysfunctional, and that your reply is "defund the NRA". This does NOT mean we all have to agree with you.

The DISCUSSION is/was about whether the NRA organization is good for, or bad for our future as shooters.

Doghunter opened the thread with a plea to "please don't let the NRA go down the drain"

You and your buddies, after naming Wayne LaPierre as a crook proceeded to malign other "names" here on the forum, calling out folks you've never met and pitting total strangers against each other, now want to "move on??"

Move on to WHAT??

Your move, say something constructive to a discussion......
Sad part is this fellow is trying to degrade all of those who have a differing opinion. Hey I made a mistake but I also owned up to it. At no time did I call him an Asshole as he has now done to others. Best way for all of us to unfortunately move on is to follow the directions that I posted to ignore him and to move on without him being able to be seen by any of us any longer. Sad to say but we have only had to do it to somebody else but once on this site that I can still remember. Myself I am going to do it right now and I would encourage all of those who no longer care to continue to listen to the same degradation coming from him towards others. To now join me in simply saying to him goodbye and that we all wish him the best.
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Sad part is this fellow is trying to degrade all of those who have a differing opinion. Hey I made a mistake but I also owned up to it. At no time did I call him an Asshole as he has now done to others. Best way for all of us to unfortunately move on is to follow the directions that I posted to ignore him and to move on without him being able to be seen by any of us any longer. Sad to say but we have only had to do it to somebody else but once on this site that I can still remember. Myself I am going to do it right now and I would encourage all of those who no longer care to continue to listen to the same degradation coming from him towards others. To now join me in simply saying to him goodbye and that we all wish him the best.

Which one?
Which one?

Precisely. Mr. Louis apparently has yet to figure out he is directed his angst toward the wrong guy, must have loved “Groundhog Day” I have said nothing other than to one self appointed preacher, who still has yet to figure out he is pointing a finger at the wrong guy..... you just cannot make this stuff up.
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I'd like to clarify a few things.
Mostly, there has been a lot of lying and ganging up on others with inaccurate posts.
I've had at least one person block me because they jumped on me due a lie and I responded. That's on them, but I regret it.
But, the rest has been one lie after another.

The short version.

Beginning 5-23-21
Originally; Posted by tim
Yeah, maybe before we get another of your idiotic rants you should learn some actual freakin facts.
First I am and have been a member but it does no cause any good to learn after Olliie North left about Wayne LaPierre’s multi million dollar residence or his wife's $5000 hair appointments spent with member dues to name a couple to make any AG actions that much easier.
It’s disgusting.

I acknowledged Tim's posting
Thank you Tim, I appreciate your comments.
NRA's move to another state was an attempted maneuver to avoid legal matters using loopholes. It appears it will not work. NRA used to be mostly about education and training, and then it became more about high incomes for a few and a political slush fund. It's sad.

Louis.j Then posted
"Why one would think training and education is no longer apart is beyond me."

I responded with, "I shared my agreement with someone else and was attacked and insulted for doing it.(alinwa) Now, you're implying that I said something that I didn't. What the Hell?
Who said training and education wasn't a part of NRA? I didn't.

Louis posted, "Some would rather have you think that they are doing absolutely nothing other than wasting all of their members money."

Note: No one said the NRA is doing absolutely nothing. I didn't

Louis.J replied to my post with, "It is very obvious that you have a tremendous amount of hatred towards the NRA."

Since I don't have a tremendous amount of hatred toward the NRA, it would be helpful to have had the comment explained. It would be constructive for everyone if Louis could be truthful and not fabricate what others say.

On 5-30 I posted,
As Louis said earlier, I only have a few posts, I ask him. So where did I say I didn't like or hated the NRA? It should be easy for anyone with half a brain, like you, to find if I did, except that I didn't say it.
Where did I express any Hatred toward anyone regarding supporting the NRA? Perhaps you can find that too?

I also said to him," I don't care about you or your opinions, but I want the sh*t talking stopped."


Louis has since posted,
"Its been quite sometime since I or anyone here has had to add anyone to the ignore list. It would be unfortunate if I or anyone else here had to do it to a new guy.
All one has to do is click on his name, click on view profile and then click on Add to Ignore List and he goes away.

He appears to recruit others to gang up on the New Guys since he hasn't been able to get them banned for defending themselves from his false statements.

In addition, I now find out he's linked this to other forums. I was not aware this manure had been spread elsewhere, and for what purpose?

AND, Louis still doesn't know his T' from J's.
And, apparently his A hole from his P hole.
I'd like to clarify a few things.
Mostly, there has been a lot of lying and ganging up on others with inaccurate posts.
I've had at least one person block me because they jumped on me due to a lie and I responded. That's on them, but I regret it.
But, the rest has been one lie after another.

Originally Posted by tim
Yeah, maybe before we get another of your idiotic rants you should learn some actual freakin facts.
First I am and have been a member but it does no cause any good to learn after Olliie North left about Wayne LaPierre’s multi million dollar residence or his wife's $5000 hair appointments spent with member dues to name a couple to make any AG actions that much easier.
It’s disgusting.

My reply to Tim:
Thank you Tim, I appreciate your comments.
NRA's move to another state was an attempted maneuver to avoid legal matters using loopholes. It appears it will not work. NRA used to be mostly about education and training, and then it became more about high incomes for a few and a political slush fund. It's sad.

alinwa posted
This guy JOINED THE FORUM just to tell us all how he likes tim and thinks the NRA sucks

I DID NOT Say the NRA sucked, nor did I express a viewpoint regarding Tim personally. He says I joined this forum just to tell you how I like Tim and thinks the NRA sucks. My question is, why would I wait 5 or 6 months to just say something like that?

alinwa posted
The fact that you think this is relevant is a large part of the problem. I know, you're sickened by the fact that it's no longer that way.... but the fact you think it's RELEVANT is the problem.

alinwa, posted a link that is extremely damming to NRA that explains in detail misuse of NRA funds.

alinwa then posted
tim, I hear you, I get it...... you don't like the NRA. And you don't like Wayne LaPierre NOR the horse he rode in on.

FIRST, alinwa was not replying to tim's quote, but to mine.
SECOND, alinwa doesn't get it, I never said I didn't like the NRA, nor did I say I didn't like Wayne Lapierre.
Questioning what someone or something has done, doesn't indicate a like or dislike. There are areas I disapprove of, and that's different.

WITH RECENT INFORMATION TO ME, It appears both alinwa and Louis have trouble with getting names or just about anything correct, so I'm not sure who doesn't know the difference between The T's and the J's.
I do have to disagree with alinwa's, " "tim", "jim", "Tim" flim-blim...... it doesn't matter."
IT DOES MATTER. Facts matter.

alinwa posted to tim, You and your buddies, after naming Wayne LaPierre as a crook proceeded to malign other "names" here on the forum, calling out folks you've never met and pitting total strangers against each other, now want to "move on??"

I THINK alinwa has blinders on and should Look in the mirror along with with his buddies.
Specifically when did someone say Wayne LaPierre was a crook? Can you do the quote?
Who said defund the NRA? Please provide the quote.
The discussion wasn't just about the NRA being good or bad, but rather that there are problems.
On the other hand, have you forgotten the link you provided?

Stop fabricating crap and try being truthful.
alinwa and Louis are two of a kind that feed off of each others manure.

I'm not here to hash and rehash this crap, so leave me out.
Is that asking too much?
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I apologized to Tim so it wouldn't be him. It was jimsplce who I ignored.

Louis, you're priceless.
Had you ignored me, this wouldn't have gone on and on, and you wouldn't be responding now.

I requested you to stop lying about what I and others post days ago, but you just couldn't stop. If you ignore me that will make the world a happier place and me very happy.

For anyone who is confused, I think this sums it up pretty well.

Quote Originally Posted by 1911Nut
Which one?

Quote Originally Posted by Tim
Precisely. Mr. Louis apparently has yet to figure out he is directed his angst toward the wrong guy, must have loved “Groundhog Day” I have said nothing other than to one self appointed preacher, who still has yet to figure out he is pointing a finger at the wrong guy..... you just cannot make this stuff up.
BEHOLD, somebody can actually read as to who wrote what. maybe now it’s time to give this a decent burial?
Like I said I apologize to you Tim and I am doing it here once again and hopefully that is now enough. Where it goes from here is anybody's guess? Do I agree with everything that you have had to say. No but you do have a right to your own opinions as do I and hopefully it now clears things up just between ourselves.
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Unfortunately that choice was left up to him and I will leave it at that.
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Unfortunately that choice was left up to him and I will leave it at that.

Louis has a really difficult time with reality and the truth.

He says, being on his ignore list was left up to me.
For God sake, how is it someone else's choice to put someone on HIS ignore list?

I'm not complaining that it was done, and I wish it had been done long ago. He made the choice, not me.
Like everything else with Louis, blame his actions and screwups on someone else.
Again, Louis has a problem with being truthful at any level.
Louis has a really difficult time with reality and the truth.

He says, being on his ignore list was left up to me.
For God sake, how is it someone else's choice to put someone on HIS ignore list?

I'm not complaining that it was done, and I wish it had been done long ago. He made the choice, not me.
Like everything else with Louis, blame his actions and screwups on someone else.
Again, Louis has a problem with being truthful at any level.

Check your PMs.
And it's like this everywhere!!

In every stratum of society..... "conservatives" who think and act like school girls.

I work construction and every day I have to hear another guy whining about how;

"you an I both know that since the lumber yards have got the prices jacked up where they want them, AND THEY'RE GETTING IT prices ain't NEVER gonna' come back down!!!..."

And "there's lumber setting in the yards everywhere!! Ain't NO SHORTAGE!! It's all setting just over the border cuz (Trump/Trudeau/Biden etc)"

And "they'll just keep making these so-called shortages just to keep us running in circles so we don't see the real problem"

And "they keep right on playing with my fuel costs, a little higher every time, can't make a living like this"

And "first they took our t'erlet paper..." (bogroll to you'se Limeys)

And "next thing ya' know they'll be jackin' the interest rates!!"

And "you see what so-n-so's getting for primers??"

And "somebody's gotta "DO SOMETHING!!"

And "I remember when I was a kid"

And "shipping!!"

The Man Who Learns How To Do The Work
Will Always Have A Job
The Man Who Learns WHY
Will Always Be His Boss

Yes my friends, "facts matter" but not all "facts" are relevant to a given discussion.

The relevant question is WHY is the NRA driven to be as it is right now? (Some here will say it's because of Wayne LaPierre's lifestyle)

Sorry folks, you just haven't thought this through..... you're thinking like democrats