NRA Lawsuit

It's great your grandkids are mature.
Are you taking credit for them being mature by announcing that you're, "Not wasting my time by hanging out with any of them?"
It could be.
I see you're a newcomer to this site. Your postings strongly resemble those I see on Twitter, Town Hall and other web sites. Those postings are from trolls who seem to disgorge their bile to shock others. All you're trying to do is create controversy. So, MYOB (Mind Your Own Business).
I see you're a newcomer to this site. Your postings strongly resemble those I see on Twitter, Town Hall and other web sites. Those postings are from trolls who seem to disgorge their bile to shock others. All you're trying to do is create controversy. So, MYOB (Mind Your Own Business).

I don't know what you're seeing on Twitter, Town Hall and other web sites, but there apparently is truth that you don't want certain things brought to light.

I don't have a clue who you are, but here you are continuing this controversy which keeps trying to die down until someone stirs it up again.

What have you contributed to this conversation, or even provided rebuttal to any of the recent comments? You have provided nothing.
You're a perfect example of what constitutes a Troll. As you said, trolls seem to disgorge their bile to shock others. You didn't even have the good sense to post something related to support your opinion on the topic.

Go Troll elsewhere!!!
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adamsgt he reminds me of a fellow who got kicked off this site for doing the same. I just went and viewed all of his posts and he has not posted anything that is related to any other topics on this site or shooting related. Hopefully the Moderator's will notice the same.
I don't know what you're seeing on Twitter, Town Hall and other web sites, but there apparently is truth that you don't want certain things brought to light.

I don't have a clue who you are, but here you are continuing this controversy which keeps trying to die down until someone stirs it up again.

What have you contributed to this conversation, or even provided rebuttal to any of the recent comments? You have provided nothing.
You're a perfect example of what constitutes a Troll. As you said, trolls seem to disgorge their bile to shock others. You didn't even have the good sense to post something related to support your opinion on the topic.

Go Troll elsewhere!!!

Jerry a troll??? You may check your post and question yourself young feller.
Butch he has made a total of 9 posts to date and all targeting the NRA in a very negative way.
If you click on his name some options come up and one is to his view posts.
" A Forum Troll" is a person who posts messages to bait people to answer. Trolls often delight in sowing discord on the forums. A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is purposely provoking and pulling people into flaming discussion. "

Sound familiar? and who here now fits this description perfectly.
" A Forum Troll" is a person who posts messages to bait people to answer. Trolls often delight in sowing discord on the forums. A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is purposely provoking and pulling people into flaming discussion. "

Sound familiar? and who here now fits this description perfectly.

Yes Louis, you fit the definition pretty well.
For every post I make, you reply with two or three defaming comments towards me or someone else is misleading or just a plain lie. Now, you apparently think counting posts makes you more right. Well, it doesn't. Of those "9" posts that I've made, most have been on this same string of comments defending myself from your idiotic comments, pointing out how you don't provide an honest answer or refuse to answer at all.
You have a right to your opinion, but you don't have a right to fabricate what others say. It appears you are going to defend how the NRA operates to the ends of the earth, regardless of what the fact have proven to be, or at least what the Courts have found to be true so far.

I've been ready to quit this topic for some time, but you won't, without bringing up other totally unrelated crap. You know, how many posts, what I think or a whole host of other garbage.
Jerry a troll??? You may check your post and question yourself young feller.

LOL _ I did say I didn't know him.
Your (I assume) friend tells me to Mind My Own Business when he hasn't been involved with any of the factual information, and he tells me to mind my own business out of the blue. IMO, I think it's fair to say he was trolling this topic.
Do you really think he didn't think I would take offense?
Would you have been offended, even a little bit?

Again, I don't know him or anything about him either. I don't know who he is.
If he had wanted to add his thoughts or additional information, that would have been fine. It may or may not have changed what I believe.
His post however was crap and inappropriate. Crap stinks, no matter where it comes from.

Enjoy the holiday.
Adamsgt he should probably be and more appropriately just be banned from the site. He is a liar and my last posts have been to somebody else other than Himself yet he continues to say he just wants to stop? So what is it that is actually stopping him other than himself and his hatred towards everyone here who still supports the NRA.
That does not even take into account for all of the forum rules that he himself has since broken from the very first time he signed on here and that he himself also agreed never to break.
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Adamsgt he should probably be and more appropriately just be banned from the site. He is a liar and my last posts have been to somebody else other than Himself yet he continues to say he just wants to stop? So what is it that is actually stopping him other than himself and his hatred towards everyone here who still supports the NRA.
That does not even take into account for all of the forum rules that he himself has since broken from the very first time he signed on here and that he himself also agreed never to break.

For God's sake, Do you get a thrill out of irrational lying?

As you said earlier, I only have a few posts. So where did I say I didn't like or hated the NRA? It should be easy for anyone with half a brain, like yourself, to find if I did, except that I didn't say it.

Where did I express any Hatred toward anyone regarding supporting the NRA? Perhaps you can find that too?

Recently, the only reason I kept responding was to defend myself from your idiotic lying posts.

The best excuse you can provide is your, "Last posts have been to somebody else other than Himself?" Those last posts which you're referencing was sh*t talking about me to others.
I don't care about you or your opinions, but I want the sh*t talking stopped.

These postings have gotten way off track by just about everyone involved.
For God's sake, Do you get a thrill out of irrational lying?

As you said earlier, I only have a few posts. So where did I say I didn't like or hated the NRA? It should be easy for anyone with half a brain, like yourself, to find if I did, except that I didn't say it.

Where did I express any Hatred toward anyone regarding supporting the NRA? Perhaps you can find that too?

Recently, the only reason I kept responding was to defend myself from your idiotic lying posts.

The best excuse you can provide is your, "Last posts have been to somebody else other than Himself?" Those last posts which you're referencing was sh*t talking about me to others.
I don't care about you or your opinions, but I want the sh*t talking stopped.

These postings have gotten way off track by just about everyone involved.

Jim, do you wonder why you have no support here?
" I don't care about you or your opinions, but I want the sh*t talking stopped. "

But I can't Stop you only you can.
Adamsgt its been quite sometime since I or anyone here has had to add anyone to the ignore list. It would be unfortunate if I or anyone else here had to do it to a new guy.
All one has to do is click on his name, click on view profile and then click on Add to Ignore List and he goes away. He can also do the same to any of us should he also like to do the same.
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Adamsgt its been quite sometime since I or anyone here has had to add anyone to the ignore list. It would be unfortunate if I or anyone else here had to do it to a new guy.
All one has to do is click on his name, click on view profile and then click on Add to Ignore List and he goes away. He can also do the same to any of us should he also like to do the same.

When I put him on my ignore list, I noticed that the three other names there haven't been seen in quite some time. So, basically, he's the only one on my list at the present time.
WOW! It's a shame that this thread has degenerated into personal attacks against each other.
All four of you should be ashamed of yourselves. :eek:

One has opposing views from the other three, and those three are attempting to silence him. Those are the tactics of leftist anti-gunners.

Somehow, I feel sullied just by being a fellow biped.

I'm done.....Roger :(
WOW! It's a shame that this thread has degenerated into personal attacks against each other.
All four of you should be ashamed of yourselves. :eek:

One has opposing views from the other three, and those three are attempting to silence him. Those are the tactics of leftist anti-gunners.

Somehow, I feel sullied just by being a fellow biped.

I'm done.....Roger :(

I'll keep you in my thoughts Roger.
WOW! It's a shame that this thread has degenerated into personal attacks against each other.
All four of you should be ashamed of yourselves. :eek:

One has opposing views from the other three, and those three are attempting to silence him. Those are the tactics of leftist anti-gunners.

Somehow, I feel sullied just by being a fellow biped.

I'm done.....Roger :(

dunno just who "the four of you" are but since I'm most commonly grouped with "the 4" (or 5, or 9) as my tagline indicates.... I'll opine.

Sorry to rain on your pity party but "feeling sullied" and leaving ((commonly called "take my ball and go home")) has never solved any crises either.

JUS' sayin'


I find this all fascinating, I have for over 50yrs. 50yrs of watching as our mores decline toward zero. We are truly a victim of our success, I'm glad doggie's getting a ringside seat and super glad he's not on the side of his fellow europeans in trying to drag us down into the cess with them.

Thanks Dawg!!

I still keep hoping more of us will stand back up on our feet and hit back..... buy manalive it's hard to keep the faith.

Here's a pic I took TODAY, just a few hours ago of the front door of a supplier I've done hundreds of thousands of dollars business with over the course of 20++yrs.


This store USED to be the premier concrete supply store in 75mi. Behind those doors lie every hand and power tool known to the concreters of thee world. It's a warehouse and showroom of concrete candy

The owner was a fun man, an outdoorsman and a real sport....... a true conservative Republican voter ....

But he died.

And his wife took over.

And she isn't. She's that most insidious of things, a do-gooder.

She didn't LIKE his "fascination with guns" etc etc.....

I drove in again today ONLY to take this picture, to see how long the liddle lefty is going to keep shoppers out of her store.

She services Portland.... a town where every sweet little white christian do-gooder knows that linking arms to protect the BLMers while they burn the town is "the right thing to do".....

And I drove out and called another supplier who costs me more money..... and ordered $12,000.00 worth of supplies.

THIS is what we're up against here in the States Dawggy... an almost incalculable depth of stupid, LONDON-level stupid......and for this

I want to just say........THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!

(((sorry to hijack your thread GTS225, I just wanted to shout out to the op who got folks true feelings to boil out..... Good On Ya Doggie ;: )))
Yeah, let’s get our folks straight please, you’re not arguing with Tim, and Tim never said, on balance, he did not like the NRA, only the arrogant behavior/practices of current management which a. detracts from the core mission, and b. has seriously compromised fundraising largely dependent on working class shooters that take a dim view of $5000 hair appointments accomplished via a chartered jet.
It is the prime force for 2nd amendment protection and shooting sports, this is fact, but acting like an internet preacher waving around a 10 pound gold Rolex don’t help.

"tim", "jim", "Tim" flim-blim...... it doesn't matter. I argue with belief systems, not individuals.

I don't know "you" nor do I care what "you" think. I don't engage with "you", I engage with your words......I'm an American.

I support AMERICA and American ideals. Yup, I held my nose but clearly and easily voted 'Trump' and would again.

There are TWO (2) and only two belief system in America, TWO (2) sets of opinions.

#1-consistent, clear well thought out opinions which lead inescapably to a conservative mindset and
#2-muddy, irrational unclear and muddled opinions from "nice" people who "just want everyone to get along"

The first set focuses on ideas and ideals, the good of the whole at the expense of individual expression
The second set fixates on catching others' mistakes, on "winning" and on "being right" and on "being recognized"

I'll give you an example;

A friend of mine was in a room full of people discussing humans and to illustrate his point about motives and manipulation he told this story.

Arnold Schwarzenegger was in a restaurant and a man came up to him..... "hey Arnold, big fan, I'm out with a new girl ,Adrian, and I want to impress her. When you walk back by my table could you wave and say "Hey Ben, how's it going?" and she'll think I know you?"

So, as Arnie's going by..... "Yo Ben, "ged to da chopper eh", good to see you, "I'll be back" ha ha"

And Ben leaps to his feet and yells "eff off Arnie!! I really care about this girl, I won't let you take this one!"

So the discussion starts and some whiney liddle biotch says "you got it all wrong".....


You said this happened to Arnold Schwarzenegger and it didn't, it was Sylvester Stallone and he said "Yo Adrian, and Ben ha ha, hey Ben, how's it hangin' Benny boy?"

And the guy jumps up...

So the entire discussion switched to "who was right" and phones were out and sure enough Gaargle sez the biotch is right and he's setting back all swole and satisfied and the entire thrust of the story is lost...... but whiney biotch got recognized and him and his friends are happy happy happy...

THIS is the world we live in today, a world where "name recognition" and "fan base" and "twitter likes" are used to decide whether or not you "believe" a person......but more importantly these irrelevant details are used to frame the narrative. I don't give a rat's ass that "tim" is offended by Wayne's "10-lb Rolex", but his being offended quickly points to where he stands.

In a world where the man on the street thinks George Carlin is a genius..... a world where a washed up old pouf like Stephen Fry can set in front of a camera and drivel meaningless platitudes with great gravitas and the children will kneel before him....... a world where Bill Nye and Neil DeGrasse Tyson are called "scientists"....

Actual FACTS are left in the dust of stirred up feelings.

So tim

waaahhhhh, sorry I mistook you for jim in the poor light, sorry I didn't pay closer attention to WHICH actual NRA basher I was replying to