NRA Files for Bankruptcy

Benefactor member. Things seemed to really go south after that fight between Wayne and Ollie North. Never did learn who was the bad guy in that mess.

Ollie North started to uncover how much $ was being spent on personal, non NRA stuff. Does Waynes wife really need a $5000 hair appointment ? Does he really need to live in a $6 000 000 house to protect gun rights?
Started to resemble every thick necked union pres that long ago forgot about members.
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For once

Ollie North started to uncover how much $ was being spent on personal, non NRA stuff. Does Waynes wife really need a $5000 hair appointment ? Does he really need to live in a $6 000 000 house to protect gun rights?
Started to resemble every thick necked union pres that long ago forgot about members.

we agree 100 percent on something Tim. Mebby this will be a better year.

Ollie North started to uncover how much $ was being spent on personal, non NRA stuff. Does Waynes wife really need a $5000 hair appointment ? Does he really need to live in a $6 000 000 house to protect gun rights?
Started to resemble every thick necked union pres that long ago forgot about members.

I'd like to see a link to that info.

I'd like to see a link to that info.


There must have been 4-5 well documented Wall Street Journal stories as well as lots of others, if not mistaken months later same stuff listed in the NYS claims published and, unfortunately, I live there.
I have concerns for the leadership of the NRA also, I have no doubt that they waste a lot of our money on perks for themselves. There are very few organizations that don't have this problem. I am also certain that without the NRA we would not own firearms in America today. They have problems for sure but I believe they are our strongest voice for our rights still. A lot of the accusations are coming from our enemies and need to be taken with a large dose of salt. I think the move to Texas is a good one as the government of New York is our enemy and they are dead set on destroying our 2nd amendment rights. I am a life member and I support the NRA, there are many good progun organizations to support as well but I think it is wise to continue to back the NRA as out most effective voice.

Saw the news this morning and aoc was talking about putting conservatives in a re education program.Draw your own conclusions on that one. Doug
What if

Trump was the head of the NRA. That would scare the crap out of all of the congress.

I'm not serious about that but it it is something that makes me smile.
as long as real americans own firearms. taking them away will never be easy.
only when all the ammo is gone. i would guess all the politicians would be gone first
I don't share your pessimism; it's hard for me to believe that the "left" could have found support for that in the 2A.

I sure the people in England and Australia thought the same thing until it was too late. With the idiots in charge now we are probably looking at some dark days ahead.
Where is

Harlon Carter when you need him? Ya I know....the gophers deliver his mail, but still...
I sure the people in England and Australia thought the same thing until it was too late.

Yep. I've seen different figures on this but of all the gun owners, enthusiasts, and hunters in this country, only a small percentage are NRA members. As usual, the minority totes the load for the rest that are too cheap or apathetic to get involved.

Yep. I've seen different figures on this but of all the gun owners, enthusiasts, and hunters in this country, only a small percentage are NRA members. As usual, the minority totes the load for the rest that are too cheap or apathetic to get involved.

Years ago, I was a member; however, after reading about and seeing how the NRA operates, you don't have enough money to entice me to rejoin.
Yep. I've seen different figures on this but of all the gun owners, enthusiasts, and hunters in this country, only a small percentage are NRA members. As usual, the minority totes the load for the rest that are too cheap or apathetic to get involved.


I recently heard about the "3%'s". Only 3% of the Colonists supported the American Revolution. I am still shocked.....
But, after getting into shooting sports and seeing all the people, who walk in and walk out of the events and not help....And most just have a criticism of anything....
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I’ve been a life member since the 80’s. It would be foolish for them not to have fund raisers ie. phone calls and letters. This is proven to be very profitable even when paying a third party to conduct the drive. When I get that call or letter I have a choice. I can participate in any amount I desire or toss it in the garbage. Defending a case in court is expensive.
It might be time for leadership change at the top but I really feel that my life membership I purchased in the 80’s and the few times I’ve sent in a little additional money. I consider it all money well spent!
Amen amen

I’ve been a life member since the 80’s. It would be foolish for them not to have fund raisers ie. phone calls and letters. This is proven to be very profitable even when paying a third party to conduct the drive. When I get that call or letter I have a choice. I can participate in any amount I desire or toss it in the garbage. Defending a case in court is expensive.
It might be time for leadership change at the top but I really feel that my life membership I purchased in the 80’s and the few times I’ve sent in a little additional money. I consider it all money well spent!

to what you say. Anyone not a member has benefited by the successes of the NRA in preserving our rights as stipulated in the 2nd amendment. Shooters who are not members are simply sliding along on responsible gunowner coattails.