newbie question on targets

Edward Ashley

New member
I have a dumb question on targets, why do many targets have a square situated above the bullseye, is this what a benchrest shooter uses as point of aim, with point of impact being in the bullseye? So that your group doesn't mess up your aiming point? I am a new F class shooter, so this is alien to me. Are the diamond shaped targets just a variation of those with heavy outline squares?
Which targets are recommended for getting in trigger time at 100 yards? (that being the length of the practice ranges most readily available to me.) And which ones are recommended for load development, the sheets with multiple lines and columns of small bulls?
thanks, Ed
sorry for duplication

Apologies, I just saw dubya's similar thread, and have the answer to some (but not all) of my questions.
thanks, Ed

If you want some targets you can print out, PM me with your email and I'll send you what I have. They are mostly multiple bulls in columns and work great for load development.

For practice/load development I like these from Sinclair:

I also made some printable PDF's that you can use in a pinch, but printer paper is a poor substitute for a proper target - it tears more easily making measurement tougher, and the contrast is a little higher than real targets. Some folks aren't that picky, though, and it beats staying home because you forgot to buy targets.

Downloads are here: Printable Rifle Targets
Free targets

Try shooting at just the inner circles found on most targets:

If you need something larger scan through these:

P.S. Use a good 110 lb Index paper like Wausau's Premium Cardstock, Ivory, #49588 found at Office Depot or Office MAX. Makes nice visible holes.

Also, put up plenty of targets so you're not running back and forth, from bench to target, every couple of minutes. :)
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