New western powders lt-32 test results

I am assuming the LT-32 is made here in Canada just as the 2015? and shipped in bulk to Miles City, MT for packaging?

If so is it the border crossing issue that is holding the product back? Canadian or US DOT or both?

I would have thought if it was made here we should be able to get it allready up here. Unfortunately that is not the way the system works.

I was fortunate enough to acquire some 2015 today so I am going to work with it and see what I get.


PS: On a side note, I just noticed that any post Lou had ever posted has been removed. VERY UNFORTUNATE to say the least.
Same plant virtually identical grain is about the container and label. You know, if the federal government can't get this done in a reasonable length of time, I think that we should hire their competition. Oh wait, there isn't any competition. Do you think that they have noticed, and that it might have influenced their attitudes and work ethics. Naa, never happen ;-)
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Well....with Obamas "gun gate" going on with Eric Holder at the helm in the AG's office, it may never get approved.
Well....with Obamas "gun gate" going on with Eric Holder at the helm in the AG's office, it may never get approved.

I sure wish the people on this website would get off the knee-jerk "blame Obama". I don't particularly care for his policies either, BUT, the problem with availability on LT powder has not a damn thing to do w/ AG Holder. It is D.O.T., which is Dept. of Commerce. Not a damn thing to do w/ the Executive branch of Gov't. at all. Try blaming the correct culprit for once.
I sure wish the people on this website would get off the knee-jerk "blame Obama". I don't particularly care for his policies either, BUT, the problem with availability on LT powder has not a damn thing to do w/ AG Holder. It is D.O.T., which is Dept. of Commerce. Not a damn thing to do w/ the Executive branch of Gov't. at all. Try blaming the correct culprit for once.

You are correct that it is not Holder's department to blame. But; all the departments are part of the executive branch of the government. The various bureaucracies may run amok but their heads do report to the President.

You are correct that it is not Holder's department to blame. But; all the departments are part of the executive branch of the government. The various bureaucracies may run amok but their heads do report to the President.

Let's see. The price of gasoline is down. Well, demand is down, we are told. But demand was down this spring, when the price of gas went up.

In a seemingly unrelated note, the largest of the oil companies -- Exxon-Mobil is it? -- has profits larger than the Gross Domestic Product of a number of small countries.

And since those are profits, they can play with them.

"Suppose we cut the price of gas through the summer. Then, late Sept through all October, we kept on raising the price. Think that might affect the election?"


When it comes to playing games, the Federal bureaucracy is a piker compared to big business. Inept indeed, and unlike so many countries, can't be bribed. We institutionalize our bribery; it's reserved for the well-to-do.

Since this is one of those things you just can't win, let's thank Lou Murdica & Western for their efforts, wait while the wheels grind, & enjoy the result. Skip the small $hit.
Yes Thank you Lou Murdica. for all your efforts.
I for one am anxiously awaiting and hopeing i might get my hands on some.
Many thanks to Lou and western for sure. The benchrest community is quite small in comparison to other shooting disciplines. Anytime anyone goes out of there way to accommodate us, it is a good thing. It take s money to do things like this,and i am sure there is quite a bit of money rapped up into this new powder. What makes me concerned is that the federal agency's don't care about whos, or what money is where, or who can or will benefit from the release of this powder. there are several retailers that will make a few coins when this powder is released, not to mention the people that stuck there necks out for us to give us such a gift. Seems selfish to me that there has to be so much red tape bureaucracy bull crap. Thats all! Lee