New to Benchrest Please help



I don't know where to start so I guess I will start in the middle and work my way out. I live in the great state of Mississippi where you learn to hunt and fish almost before you learn to walk. I grew up shooting with friends on the weekend, you know the story a 22 and a box with a couple dots on the side of it. I always loved the competition to see who was the best shot. Now in my 30s the trips out to the farm to shoot are with my 10 year old son. The old 22 has been replaced by a 17, 243 and my ol trusty 270. My son and I both are decent shots considering that we realy dont have much to work with at this time. That is why I have come here.
I have always loved shooting but have never been a big gun guy, NO NO NO Im not talking about anti gun or the size of the gun, I mean I don't know much about all the diffrent guns out there. So concider this begining of my learning experience. So I guess the question is, If you could go back to day one (Benchrest 101) what would you tell yourself.

Find a match close by, and see what's being used. Ask question and talk to the MD about other disciplines he mat be aware of that might meet you and your son's criteria. Then go out and have some fun with your son as often as you can.
I dont know where to start to find a match in my area. I did a web search and came up with nothing.
Go back to the home page on this site and click on the IBS logo. IBS has a list of ranges by state along with the gps coordinates. Most ranges have contact info.Do the same with NBRSA.

The next NBRSA shoot that is reasonably close for you would be Rachel's Glen this coming October. Rachel's Glen is in Fort Deposit Alabama and the shoot lasts two days. The NBRSA schedule can be found at this link:

We have a club benchrest match this coming Saturday (and every third Saturday) at my club in Birmingham (actually Hoover). Depending on where you are in Mississippi it may or may not be a drive you are interested in. We have one shooter who drives from Huntsville and another who occasionally drives from Memphis. If you are interested here is a link to the club website: . Here is a link to the club profile page which has directions to the range at the bottom of the page: Matches start promptly at 9 am and we shoot both factory and benchrest classes. Bring whatever you have and come join us. I recommend bringing at least 40 rounds of ammo, and high power scopes are also recommended. The match is usually finished by noon.

IBS has a page listing ranges at this link: . The only range listed in Mississippi is in Pascagoula. Here is a link to the club website:

You can find my email address on my profile page. Feel free to send me an email and I'll be glad to help where I can.
Your last line mentioned what we would tell ourselves if we could go back to day one. I am not too far from day one (second year in competiition), and I can tell you this:
Do it right the first time...from the bullets and brass that you use to the front rest you pick to the scope you use. If you think "this will be good enough to start" step back and analyze your committment to the sport you choose. I wish that I could have followed the advice of those around me better. I tried to buck the system and build a more cost effective rig, and it ended up being a good lesson in the best and cry once. This is not to say that there aren't excellent pieces of equipment available at a good price (sightron and weaver vs leupold and march scopes come to mind).
When you find the discipline you want to shoot get the best equipment you can afford. Cutting corners will always leave you guessing.
Find a good mentor and trust them.
Ask lots of questions and don't be suprised when someone offers to let you shoot their rig. Take them up on it.
Don't shy away from GOOD used equipment. There are some very fine pieces out there that will do very well with a new barrel.
There are also some real POS too so know who you are buying from and do your homework.

Hope this helps. I wish I had listened better when I was starting out.

Benchrest Hall of Famer Speedy Gonzalez has prepared a comprehensive Guide to Benchrest Competition. It covers all aspects of the game: gear selection (hardware), reloading methods and tools, plus shooting skills and strategies.

All of this is available on the web for free, thanks to Speedy and the Swedish Benchrest Shooters Assn. (SWBSA). CLICK HERE to read Speedy’s very complete BR Guide:

Good Luck! :)