New 1000-yd Heavy Gun World Record--Today at Hawks Ridge



(Bill Shehane asked me to post this on his behalf):

Pendergraft Sets new 10-Shot HG 1000-yard Record

Friends and fellow shooters. Today one of the longest standing 1000-year World Records was broken at Hawks Ridge 1000-yard BR Club. Joel Pendergraft of Durham N.C. fired a 3.048" 10 shot Heavy Gun World Record.

This tops the NBRSA-IBS & Orginal Williamsport Clubs all time 10-shot heavy gun group records.

Took a long time to do it and I for one know Joel did not back into it-- he has worked harder than most the last 10 years to break this record. And just like John Voneida of the Orginal Williamsport Club who held this most prestigous record for so long, Joel is a super nice guy and a great competitor. I've had a picture of John & myself on my bulliten board that was taken the day he shot the record at the old Williamsport Super Shoot. I was just glad to have seen that group shot. Wish I could have been there with Joel when he was shooting his but my Grandson was busy winning a baseball game in Davidson and I was right there with him.

I do not believe this record will last as long as John's did, but I never thought his would weather the number of good shooters we have in this GREAT sport today.

Congratulations Joel. I'm extremely proud of you for the person you are and the competitor you have become over the years.
But most of all what you have given back to this Great Sport.

Bill Shehane
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If I type fast enough I'll be the first to say CONGRATULATIONS! Wow, that's great man!

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy! Glad to see it wasn't an accident. That gun showed some serious promise last year at the World Open and anything that cranks off targets like the one you shot there, has what it takes.

Again, congratulations!
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Congratulations Joel!

All the best from Ohio. Enjoy the fruits of your labor to get to such a milestone.

Jeff in OH

Congrats to Joel and his home spun rifle ,could not happen to nicer bloke ..2009 is shaping up to be a ripper for you ..JR..Jeff which bullet??
New Record!!!!!

The new record is great but no better than the fine man who shot it. Everyone who knows Joel will say the same thing . . . he is one of the finest men you will ever meet. I don't blieve you will find anyone who has ever heard Joel utter a curse word. He lives the life, and walks the walk and has paid his dues in the 1000 yd BR game to get the record.

Congrats Joel!!!!!

Jim Hardy
300 Ack Imp
BIB 187's

I still remember the day I suggested flat base bullets to Joel and the laugh I got. Well he was laughing today. Couldn't of happened to a nicer guy. Glad I was there to see it. I'll get to measure the target Monday.
It was even more fun when another referee and myself asked him how many times he had shot on his record target and then walked away.

Just got off the phone to Jeff Rogers who told me of this outstanding group. I asked Jeff if it was the Bibs and he didn't know then but Dave has let us all know it was. Congratulations on a great effort Joel and a fine result after a lot of hard work.
Was it the tube gun? Because if it was, that would make a whole bunch of us Aussies smile a bit more. Again well done mate.

Tony Z.

congrats mr pendegraph sir.the bar has just been raised. tim in tx

Super job Joel! Good things happening to good people, the way it was intended. Could not happen to a nicer more caring gentleman in the world.

BTW Phil, it was good things for good people when you set it in '07 out in VA as well! ;)

Wish I could have been there to see it myself.


Congratulations Joel! No matter how long it stands, today is yours forever!

Can't wait to see the pictures!
A sincere heartfelt thanks to all. Some of the words spoken are too kind. What makes this so very special is to be able to celebrate the accomplishment with all of my shooting friends, those I compete against regularly as well as those I have never personally met but have corresponded with often about our common passion concerning long range shooting.

A good friend once said that records are shot when preparation and opportunity meet. I feel blessed to have personally had the opportunity. The preparation we can individually work on and acheive but the opportunity only comes to a few. Those of you that compete in longe range competition will know what I mean.
Just got off the phone to Jeff Rogers who told me of this outstanding group. I asked Jeff if it was the Bibs and he didn't know then but Dave has let us all know it was. Congratulations on a great effort Joel and a fine result after a lot of hard work.
Was it the tube gun? Because if it was, that would make a whole bunch of us Aussies smile a bit more. Again well done mate.

Tony Z.

Yes Tony, The big tubed water cooled gun.
300 Ackley, 12 twist 4 groove Krieger, BIBs 187, generous amount R25, 210M and Norma brass.

Hey, let's keep it quiet about the BIB's. We want to keep the upper hand on the competition you know.
Congratulations from Idaho,

Glad that it was a 30 cal and a tube gun. You and the other true innovators in NC have proven that your ideas really work.

Jay, Idaho
A well deserved congratulations


You deserve all the praise and then some for breaking the record. You have been one of the most consistent shooters in the game. And one of the very best of personal character also. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving competitor.
Again congratulations, I just wish that I could have been there to say it in person and shake your hand.

Congrats Joel!

I had the pleasure of shooting in the relay that Joel set the record. This was my first trip to Hawksridge. One of the many highlights had to be meeting Joel and witnessing the record. Congrats again to a very fine
person. Glad to have finally met you.

Randy Dawson
Congratulations, Joel, now, that's, "gettin' 'er done"! :) Producing such a rewarding dividend, via your dedication must be satisfying, indeed! Just imagine what you could achieve using stuff, "that works"! :eek:;)RG
Joel i dont get to talk much with you at the matches but I"m honored to have the oppurtunity to witness your record group and shoot along beside of you i know my work is cut out for me when we are on the shooting line congrats again.
new heavy gun record

Awesomeshooting Joel,congratulations on setting the new record which we all strive for,from Scott & frank weber!