Need Suggestion Please on Backers.

We have been using chloroplast 4mm thick for our shoots as backers. Our last 2 nights shoots we had foggy damp weather, enough to get the targets damp. What is happening at times the bullet impact is tearing the target, what I believe is happening is when the bullet impacts the target that is damp the backer actually has slivers that protrude back into the trap and also protrude outwards enough to cause a rip from impact. During the day there isn't any signs of this.

I'm looking for a better solution than we are currently using and will also keep the cost down.

Thanks in advance,

Backer material

I have seen a lot use the plastic cardboard that they use for election signs should be a lot around about now.

We use coroplast as the main backer boards and often experience water coming out of the channels in it after a rain (even a few days after).

I make my own target backers (stapled between the target and backer) of scrap form core (have a lot of scrap at my work place such as large wall calendars etc). The foam core holes are very clean.
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The best stuff used up here is still Homasote. Does'nt disrupt bullet holes in any fashion.
I have seen a lot use the plastic cardboard that they use for election signs should be a lot around about now.
Works for me, for cost its not bad and will last for a while.
