Need a recommendation


New member
I have two friends here in Mobile that are Prairie dog hunters (shooters). One has a Savage target action chambered in 6BR, the other a Cooper in 6BR. Both want new barrels installed (the one with the savage has a Kreiger in hand).

They both need these rifles back by June in order to be able to make their Aug shoot. Anyone have any leads on someone who may be able to get this done in such a short time frame?
PDog hunting

Where do you hunt? I have been hunting in SD for last 20 years or so. Normally hunt the first two weeks in June.

I ordered two Kreiger barrels last summer. Received them in late Dec or early Jan. Don't remember for sure.

I ordered a BRUX at the same time and got it in Dec.

I feel certain you will have to find someone with the barrels you want in stock or you will not be able to make you deadline.

I have seen that some of the vendors on this forum have barrels in stock.

Good Shooting,