neck tension 22br

I am using redding competition dies to size fired 22br brass. Most have good tension to seat the bullet but some the bullet slides too freely. How is this possible with this kind of die? Ive read that sonic cleaning could help. Is that possible? I don't want to use two different sized bushings and it doesn't make sense that I would have to.
Thanks in advance,
Are the cases fired the same number of times? If they aren't some could be harder then others. Are the necks the same thickness? If they aren't you can run an expander mandrel in them to make them even. Matt
Are the cases fired the same number of times? If they aren't some could be harder then others. Are the necks the same thickness? If they aren't you can run an expander mandrel in them to make them even. Matt

They are not fired the same number of times but shouldn't the bushing style sizer make them all the same inside neck diameter ?
Could it be spring back is different if not fired the same amount of times? With a bushing, spring back is outward. We are talking brass that has been neck turned? After 15 firings, i had to go 1 bushing smaller, as the turned necks changed on my 243 win brass .
Mic them

If you have not miked the neck thickness of all the brass and separated them (or neck turned them), you cannot get consistent tension with the same bushing. The different times fired also gives different spring back unless you anneal them.
One of two things - maybe both.

As the others said, you have either spring back on some cases or different neck wall thickness. To make this work better you have to do one of two things - get new brass or a smaller bushing for your sizing die. Frankly, I wouldn't do anything but shoot the cases until I needed new ones. Depends mostly on what the rifle likes rather than what you like. Always remember that.
I don't want to use two different sized bushings and it doesn't make sense that I would have to.

You maybe don't need two different bushings, but you do need a smaller one. Use the smaller one for all the cases and see how it goes. The neck tension will undoubtedly be more uniform than what you have now. In the future, make sure to fire the cases the same number of times, or at least keep them separated.