neck clearance

speaking of keyboard shooters, when was the last time butch lambert shat a sanctioned match??? i have not seen his name in print.
Mr rsmither has

shot matches so I owe a retraction of my statement. It's up to him to post his real name.
I still stand by my statement to Kurtis. Like Butch said, it's good advice.


NOT meaning to change the subject, but does using BT or a FB change the clearance?

As Butch said the Flat Base has a pressure ring.
Just measure your Bullets you want to use and see what they are and make sure you have the clearance you require. Most are larger than 0.243 in 6mm. My FB are 0.2435 at pressure ring and my BT is 0.2433 just in front of the boat tail. (I have seen larger by at least 0.0003” so you need to measure)

My chambers are neck diameter 0.270”
I neck turn to 0.012 thickness
I have chosen minimum 0.0025” clearance
- With my FB Bullets I have 0.0025
- With my BT I have around 0.0027
- I also know that I can use pretty much any bullet up to .244 (which is most if not all) and not worry about neck clearance at all as it is 0.002” @ 0.244

I actually found other benefits as well to using more clearance not less

I would be hesitant to take advice from the likes of me, too. Haven't shot in a big match in quite a while. I'm still in awe of the guys who can shoot the teen agg. I'm sure they put in lots of practice. And that's just one of the reasons they can consistently shoot small. Pretty sure that an average barrel and average bullets aren't the ticket .

Somebody who has a tunnel and has done lots of testing might have the best recipe for shooting zeros.After you have the right neck clearance, I'm guessing you still need good brass, consistent neck tension, the right amount of powder, a scope that is solid, good rests, and bench manners. And a target that doesn't move.

I take one thing back.. every match is a big match. There are really good shooters every match that I attend. And the people who put on a match do a lot of work to make a match happen. So if you happen to be on top , you had a good day.
As Butch said the Flat Base has a pressure ring.
Just measure your Bullets you want to use and see what they are and make sure you have the clearance you require. Most are larger than 0.243 in 6mm. My FB are 0.2435 at pressure ring and my BT is 0.2433 just in front of the boat tail. (I have seen larger by at least 0.0003” so you need to measure)

My chambers are neck diameter 0.270”
I neck turn to 0.012 thickness
I have chosen minimum 0.0025” clearance
- With my FB Bullets I have 0.0025
- With my BT I have around 0.0027
- I also know that I can use pretty much any bullet up to .244 (which is most if not all) and not worry about neck clearance at all as it is 0.002” @ 0.244

I actually found other benefits as well to using more clearance not less


Thanks to both you and Butch for the information. I wasn't aware they might measure differently.
I still have my brass, so my clearances will be fine.
I've been away from shooting for many years and I'm trying to catch up on changes.
One of those apparently is the practice of using BT bullets now. When I was shooting, FB bullets were the standard to use.
I have a good supply of those and I'm sure they will still perform better than I will.
"shat" is past tense of "shot" for some texicans, esp if the migrate from a northern state say just north of texas.

Interesting understanding.
The definition in my dictionary had a different explanation.

There seems to be a lot of "shat" going on now days.
He who can read and adjust for the wind and the mirage conditions the best is also typically always at the top of the winners list. That is once he has his rifle shooting up to the same competitive level as all of the rest that are being shot in a match.