
Not trying to be mean but...

Who says a short range BR shooter cant come pre-loaded? At Tacoma Rifle and Revolver we have on average 3 shooters who come preloaded 2 of them travel from OR. And all 3 place very well and 1 is a force to be recond with.

Score shooters pre load, But it is not the point is it is going down the new generation isn't interested in the work. IF you load and clean for them they may shoot but for them to do it, for them to do it will not happen. I saw it many times, you may come up with a few isolated cases but look around at all the gray hair. When it is gone so is bench rest..... jim
Score shooters pre load, But it is not the point is it is going down the new generation isn't interested in the work. IF you load and clean for them they may shoot but for them to do it, for them to do it will not happen. I saw it many times, you may come up with a few isolated cases but look around at all the gray hair. When it is gone so is bench rest..... jim

You stated
“PRS. games are growing why they can buy the stuff off the shelves and it doesn't demand the accuracy level of BR. a 1/4 min. gun is great and a 1/2 min. gun you can compete. F class is doing well again a pre loaded game, same as long range bench rest is holding it's own.”
And I made a point on pre-loading.

And what is your interpretation of “young people”

I am 45 and hopefully I still have 20+ years left in this sport god willing. What about the 30 something crowd? They have 30+ years left...
I just want to let you and everyone know I am not picking on you personally or making this personal. You have brought up some very very good points. I am just pointing out others points for folks to see and maybe broaden some way of thinking.

Another point of view

We don’t need to forget this is the top fuel drag racing of shooting sports
It is not a club match or a prs match or an f class match this is Benchrest !
We don’t need to minimize what it is!
The ultimate in the quest for perfection it is not for everyone.
It will never attract the masses it’s to much of a challenge in a lot of areas

There are weekend bracket and street racers and then there is the NHRA and racers like John Force
or shooters like Tony Boyer Wayne Campbell Jack Neary Bob Scarborough Bart Sauter Billy Stevens

you can’t just show up and race John Force
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Another point of view

We don’t need to forget this is the top fuel drag racing of shooting sports
It is not a club match or a prs match or an f class match this is Benchrest !
We don’t need to minimize what it is!
The ultimate in the quest for perfection it is not for everyone.
It will never attract the masses it’s to much of a challenge in a lot of areas

There are weekend bracket and street racers and then there is the NHRA and racers like John Force
or shooters like Tony Boyer Wayne Campbell Jack Neary Bob Scarborough Bart Sauter Billy Stevens

you can’t just show up and race John Force


lots of generalizations there

I hate to say it but new people or young people to get involved with short range BR. isn't going happen. There is too much work and it's dirty , not like preloading at home. Young people and work are not used in the same sentence. In ten years there will not be short range bench rest, think about it. The PRS. games are growing why they can buy the stuff off the shelves and it doesn't demand the accuracy level of BR. a 1/4 min. gun is great and a 1/2 min. gun you can compete. F class is doing well again a pre loaded game, same as long range bench rest is holding it's own. Sad I saw results from short range match and it had 3 shooters..... jim

Theres a lot of generalizing there. It's not a young persons sport and never has been. I'm in my early 30s but don't expect to see many shooters my age at any matches any time soon. It has more to do with available time than money or "laziness". Shooting off a bench and bags at paper probably doesnt appeal to people my age and younger either. That's perfectly fine. 50+ is still the demographic but obviously we're not getting the guys entering their 50s or 60s either.

Like Tim said, its not for everyone. We need to find a way to get new shooters into the sport, no matter what age, without lowering the bar. I really don't think its a money issue at all.

Ten plus tears ago, discussions on this forum predicted that group shooting would cease to exist in a relative short time. While we wait for these predictions to materialize,:( why not use all this expert knowledge to introduce new shooters to the Sport. Plant the seed of extreme accuracy throughout the shooting community. What have you got to lose? Of course, some will be turned off for a number of reasons. If only a few new recruits become true enthusiasts of the Sport,you win.

Golf is losing 100,000 players annually. It happens in every recreational Sport.

You stated
“PRS. games are growing why they can buy the stuff off the shelves and it doesn't demand the accuracy level of BR. a 1/4 min. gun is great and a 1/2 min. gun you can compete. F class is doing well again a pre loaded game, same as long range bench rest is holding it's own.”
And I made a point on pre-loading.

And what is your interpretation of “young people”

I am 45 and hopefully I still have 20+ years left in this sport god willing. What about the 30 something crowd? They have 30+ years left...

I look around a match and if you take the ones without gray hair they would be in one car..... The other big issue is gun control, I see it affecting it also........ At 75, I saw things change for the worst..... jim

See to me I dont see it that way. Every local club has their “John Force” shooters and believe it or not they dont always win and nothing is preventing a new shooter shooting a second hand rifle from Shooters Corner or one of your rifles on loan sitting on top of a Sinclair Comp rest from doing better from them? Yes it is not to promising for that shooter. BUT guess what you have a new shooter trying out the sport and as long as us “old timers, seasoned, grumpy” welcome that new shooter and lend them some support we have a chance to keep that shooter.

Age, money and time all play a factor but at the same time do not matter at this point. We have potential new shooters from every age, financial status and walk of life.
See to me I dont see it that way. Every local club has their “John Force” shooters and believe it or not they dont always win and nothing is preventing a new shooter shooting a second hand rifle from Shooters Corner or one of your rifles on loan sitting on top of a Sinclair Comp rest from doing better from them? Yes it is not to promising for that shooter. BUT guess what you have a new shooter trying out the sport and as long as us “old timers, seasoned, grumpy” welcome that new shooter and lend them some support we have a chance to keep that shooter.

Age, money and time all play a factor but at the same time do not matter at this point. We have potential new shooters from every age, financial status and walk of life.

I don’t think we disagree at all
The local club is a good place to start.
Anyone has a chance to win
Kinda my point not just anyone can show up and race John Force and maybe even win a match against him
I’m just saying NBRSA registered BR is a big thing not to be marginalized. It is hard as it should be
I don’t think we disagree at all
The local club is a good place to start.
Anyone has a chance to win
Kinda my point not just anyone can show up and race John Force and maybe even win a match against him
I’m just saying NBRSA registered BR is a big thing not to be marginalized. It is hard as it should be

Yep the old guys aren't going to screw on a hummer for a club match...... Kind of levels the playing field..... jim
You can't figure that out, Anybody has a chance to win at a club match, because the good one's aren't using their best stuff...... jim
If your talking nbrsa club match's that's not what I see. The hummer bbl might be on the shelf but most still bring really good stuff! Look at the aggs being shot, you don't do that with so-so equipment. I try to bring good stuff when I shoot. Anytime behind the gun is for practice, you can't learn much with a gun that doesn't shoot well. I'm not going to drive for hours to a match to get frustrated because the thing won't shoot. Somedays it's hard enough with good equipment.

If your talking nbrsa club match's that's not what I see. The hummer bbl might be on the shelf but most still bring really good stuff! Look at the aggs being shot, you don't do that with so-so equipment. I try to bring good stuff when I shoot. Anytime behind the gun is for practice, you can't learn much with a gun that doesn't shoot well. I'm not going to drive for hours to a match to get frustrated because the thing won't shoot. Somedays it's hard enough with good equipment.


Really, I have a barrel that shoots in the zeros unless it gets windy, it will shoot but it sure not a great barrel but it is honest. Now a hummer is an other story, waste it on club match .... I don't think so... I had one Kreiger and three Brux that were hummers and I wasted them for the most part, never again...... jim
Like I said We are our worst ememies

You can't figure that out, Anybody has a chance to win at a club match, because the good one's aren't using their best stuff...... jim

I can figure that out. I can figure it out real easy. But what difference does it make? Do you think if you have a new shooter winning they will quit? I am lost. I think that would boost the new shooter ego and they will keep coming. Hell be honest with that new shooter and tell them you are shooting old barrels because the new one is a hummer and your saving it for Nationals. Stoke the fire a little more and make them crave the win even more.

What I am seeing in your posts its mainly about the big matches. And sir that is fine.

The way I see it to grow we need to start at the local clubs and ranges. Get thoses memberships and attendance numbers higher. Then as they grow you will see the numbers at nationals and big matches rise.
If we dont we risk the lose of complete ranges which inturn helps the anti gun flakes take more and more away from us.
I'll tell you what it takes from what I have seen. It takes one on one mentoring for quite awhile to get new shooters up to speed. True BR with a capitol "B" is tough!! You can't just get them a gun and some equipment and shoot with for a hour or two and say "here ya go" I have heard it said " I learned the hard way so they can too" Well, that might be true but unless they are totally dedicated and stubborn they will quit. I did learn the hard way and why put a new shooter through all that. I love teaching new shooters and to grow the dicipline of BR in todays world you have to be willing to spend some time not thinking about yourself.

You can't figure that out, Anybody has a chance to win at a club match, because the good one's aren't using their best stuff...... jim


I shoot in Club Matches at Tomball and Austin, and I shoot the same Rifle in those as I do Registered Matches.
Suggestions, please. BTW, see the second paragraph at post # 32.

There are a few of us up here that have been talking about this for some time now and actually have tossed some ideas of a clinic. But then how do you get the word out?

If people dont know about the sport how do we get the word out. One member up here I personally hit the nail on the head. NBRSA and I bet a lot of clubs need to get with the times and said we need Better social media. That could be a good thing. What about local gun forums? Do you have any you can talk with on getting a section for accurate shooting?
What about making some fliers to keep in your range bag with web site info like this site, accurate shooter, shooters corner and so forth along with your contact info. Let the see for themself that if isnt as costly to get going as they may think.

But like was said we need to sacrifice some personal range/match time to help them out. Say you see a member watching you practice. Ask them if they want to try. Let them shoot 5 shots. Then ask if they want to shoot more and coach them on the flags during those next 5 shots. If they show great interest tell them about the next match and invite them to watch. Maybe even sit that match out and let them shoot with your help. (If other shooter complain your coaching tell them to eat a Snickers bar lol)

If you get a new shooter. Ask for there contact info. Always invite them to practice with you. Show them its more then just a competition.

These are just things that come to mind.
We just all need to get ideas out there. Like improving social media.
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