NBRSA BOD Votes In Varmint For Score

David, I'm confused. :confused:

- Are you saying that the NBRSA has officially recognized a Two Gun that includes an HBR and VfS gun?

- Or that the NBRSA recognizing VfS gives a club the opportunity to...on their own...to run a Two Gun Score format including both?

I was under the inpression that the only Two Gun Score format the NBRSA was looking at was a combo of a LV and HV gun?

Either way, thumbs up to the NBRSA for adopting VfS. :cool:

Good shootin'. :) -Al


The NBRSA 2 Gun will be a HBR rifle and a VFS rifle. There WILL NOT be a HV/LV 2 gun VFS. Ain't going to happen! Ther is only ONE VFS class, no matter which weight rifle they decide to shoot

In reality,you can make up a Two Gun out of any of the legal NBRSA Classes. We have shot a Two Gun consisting of LV combined with 10 Shot Unlimited.

Keep in mind, there are no official NBRSA records kept for Two Gun Events. Clubs can choose to hold what ever Format they feel is in their best interest. I suppose you could figure out a way to combine Varmint for Score with one of the Group classes, such as Denton did last year in their IBS combined Varmint for Score and Heavy Varmint Group.

I suspect this will turn into a Regional thing. Where there is a lot of HBR participation, you will possibly see Clubs holding Two Gun Events. But since we have only a handfull of HBR Shooters in our Region, I doubt many clubs will hold Two Gun Events.

Since we have four clubs that will be holding Varmint for Score within a 3 hour drive of Houston, I sort of like the one day Grand Agg Format for Varmint for Score. .........jackie
I really believe that the one day format has been one of the reasons that VFS has done so well. Going to a two gun format over two days, I would bet will bring attendence down. Of course in a two gun format you can always choose which day to shoot, unless you shoot 100 yd one day and 200 yard next day.

The day we switched from one class a day at 100 and 200 yards to 100 yards saturday and 200 yards Sunday, was the start of decline in small matches attendance. Alot of people have been put aside so that flag setters could have it easier. I do not blame ranges going to the new format, but not everyone can have Saturday and Sunday to be away from family or religion.

Since we have gone from HV on Friday and Saturday at Super Shoot to Friday HV 200 and Saturday LV 200 we have lost at least 50 competitors who used to be able to shoot HV class with only one day vacation being used.

So I guess what I am saying is be careful with your two gun ideas, it more than likely will affect your number of competitors negatively.

Good luck with your new approved VFS from NBRSA.

There has been lots of talk about IBS combining Hunter and Varmint Hunter, eliminating case capacity restrictions. How is that going to play in NBRSA?

I cannot imagine that having any bearing on NBRSA since they do not recognize The Varmint Hunter class rifles in the first place. A 30 BR IBS Hunter class rifle would still have no place to shoot in NBRSA.
Mr. Grosbier and Mr. Wass

I didn't know you guys shot NBRSA, I thought you was strictly IBS shooters.
Am I wrong?
I didn't know you guys shot NBRSA, I thought you was strictly IBS shooters.
Am I wrong?

I ususlly pay my NBRSA dues so that if I am ever at a location where there is an NBRSA event I can compete in it or I want to have something to say on this forum about a subject presented I feel comfortable, as a member, in saying it. If there were NBRSA events in the area I live in I would most likely compete in them.

I tried to join the IR 50/50 the last time I shot in one of their events and the match director there said the org did not require people to officially join or be members. I thought that an interesting approach. I guess it's pretty hard to get emotional about any of their stuff, eh?
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There has been lots of talk about IBS combining Hunter and Varmint Hunter, eliminating case capacity restrictions. How is that going to play in NBRSA?

Hi Pete. For those of us fortunate enough to have both IBS and NBRSA santioned tournaments in the area, you need an extra barrel...if you run a 30BR on an IBS VH gun.

That's the exact scenario I find myself in. This year, I had Stan chamber a 30BR for my Hunter gun...in essence making a VH gun out of it...and shot the gun in VH class this season. I've also got a 'big' chambered barrel (over 45.5 of water) for the gun, for NBRSA HBR competition.

Not to get 'way off topic here, but I am a big supporter of the IBS dropping the case capacity rule in Hunter and having only one 6 Power class.

With the adoption of VfS in the NBRSA, the NBRSA Hunter Rules Committee would be wise to do the same thing. This would streamline things for all competitors and be mutually beneficial, regardless of which sanctioning body they primarily compete with.

Serving the best interests of the competitors ain't never a bad thing.......;)

Good shootin'. :) -Al
Al, I think participation would go up in HBR if they dropped the 6x scope and lept the 45.5 minimum case capacity, also leaving everything else as it is.........jackie
Al, I think participation would go up in HBR if they dropped the 6x scope and lept the 45.5 minimum case capacity, also leaving everything else as it is.........jackie

Sounds Good to me, there isn't anything else on the HBR/VH 10lb rig that you would find on a 'Actual' hunting rifle so why keep the 6x and the 45.5 rule??

Hunters around here take there .223 Deer hunting and thats a long ways from 45.5grs of water.

If we keep typing on this board will the world of BR continue to change??
Change in Benchrest???

'If we keep typing on this board will the world of BR continue to change?"

Score- maybe


Al, I think participation would go up in HBR if they dropped the 6x scope and lept the 45.5 minimum case capacity, also leaving everything else as it is.........jackie

Jackie, there are many or us mininally sighted folks who are able to shoot 6X scopes moderatey well at times. What one has to get a grip on is to realize one won't ever be able to see what they are aming at but genrally see it and trust one's rifle to deliver. That is all there is to shooting 6 Power, trusting one's rifle and getting the scope centered on the target. There has been a number of good VFS shooters who have excelled at 6 power over the past few years and some of them because of the two gun challenge. You CAN DO IT MAN, I know you can!
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Sounds Good to me, there isn't anything else on the HBR/VH 10lb rig that you would find on a 'Actual' hunting rifle so why keep the 6x and the 45.5 rule??

Hunters around here take there .223 Deer hunting and thats a long ways from 45.5grs of water.

If we keep typing on this board will the world of BR continue to change??

Steve, A number of states wouldn't allow a person to hunt deer with a .223. As I reacall, in Wyoming a .243 is the minimum. When one realizes where all of this began, the 6X was the logical choice. In the East, where there are trees, a 100 yd shot is the usual and often less. In Flyover Country where there are minimal trees, things are different.

I think there can be a compramise with regard to the scope but adding power is no panaceia. There are lots of big ex count scores shot with 6 power scopes. It simply adds another skill level to our sport. The only problem is, what are we gonna do with all of those 6X scopes out there?
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Interesting notion Pete,

I can't figure out the best details, but a *Hunter* format might best be represented by a competitor having to choose between using a 4X scope and shooting at 100 yards, or using a 12X scope and shooting at 200 yards. Scores are directly compared. (Yardage difference ignored.)

A whole different meaning to an East-West challenge.
Two or three things need to be brought up...

First, The Hunter class (6X) version of NBRSA score has credmoore already established as the tie breaker, I know of no "wipe out" rule used. Then the NBRSA wanted to draw more score shooters, so they approved VFS (which is working well for the IBS) for a test year. That year seems to have shown promise or this approval would not have passed. The IBS does not have a 2Gun format ofr Hunter/VFS, but at the last 3 Nationals the clubs hosting offered it as a format to what I believe to be a success. The IBS has no trophies but the club had trophies made and awarded them to top combined scores for 6X and VFS as a 2 gun award. If the NBRSA ever gets to this point, you mean to tell me that the 2 guns involved will be scored and ties broken in 2 different ways, one for creedmoore the other for wipe out??? That's insane, Was nobody on the NBRSA B.O.D. thinking of this? Oh, this Score descision took place at the group nationals!

Secondly, the 2 day format works for state championships and regional championships, it may not work for small ranges with limited shooters but once a year for a state championship or for a Regional match it works and it makes the match better. People will travel distances to shoot and stay the night to shoot again tomorrow. When you have to travel and take equipment and multiple rifles you want to get to the range and have the best time you can, shooting a VFS rifle in one relay and then switching to the need for a spotting scope, different front bag, different ammo, different load for the next relay to shoot hunter or Varmint hunter doesn't work. You need to have 6X and VFS on 2 different days. The best scenario for 2 days would be one rifle at both yardages one day and the other rifle at both yardages the next day. This way one gun shooters only need to be there one day. Could super shoot be done in one day? Shoot 4 targets for record two in the morning 1 each at 100 LV and HV move targets at lunch shoot 2 in the afternoon at 200 one LV and on HV, yes it could be done, would it be "super", Hell no! Some matches need 4 days, for instance the Score Nationals.


What was the third thing?

The IBS and the NBRSA need to get this 2 gun score thing figured out, It's an awesome oportunity to shoot 2 cool guns for score and get a grand aggregate competition going.
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Two or three things need to be brought up... The IBS does not have a 2Gun format ofr Hunter/VFS, but at the last 3 Nationals the clubs hosting offered it as a format to what I believe to be a success.

First The IBS does have a 2 Gun Score Format and it has been used for quite a few years successfully in some locations and less successfully in other areas. Boone Valley Ikes in Iowa has been holding two day 2 gun shoots for some time and it works well for them. In the East It has been tried and failed. At my club we tried it and do not have enough HTR-VH participation or club desire to warrant firing the 6 power aggregates seperately.

The IBS and the NBRSA need to get this 2 gun score thing figured out, It's an awesome oportunity to shoot 2 cool guns for score and get a grand aggregate competition going.

I believe the IBS has it straight , you seem to believe because it is not an aggregate that has been granted championship status for the Nationals we do not have it figured out. This simply is not true if you want to see the IBS Score two gun as a championship aggregate you will need to get it approved by the members present at an annual meeting. After the relatively good 2-Gun attendance at the last two National this might be an opportune time to get it approved as a National Championship Aggregate get 25 signatures on an agenda item and get it submitted before July 1st. I will warn you in advance that I believe if you include changing the nationals to a 4 day match I think you will guarantee the failure of your proposed rule change.

Paul, at this time, I doubt the NBRSA is interested in dictating to clubs what sort of "two gun format" they wish to put on. As I said before, you can combine any two legal NBRSA Classes to make up a Two Gun. This is all for local club satisfaction as the NBRSA does not keep records for multiple Gun Aggregates.

As for the HBR thing, there simply is not enough HBR participation in our Region to warrant putting on a Two Gun Format that included HBR and any other NBRSA Class.You would end up with a Match with only a small percentage of the Shooters competing for a "two gun". For instance , you would have 30 Varmint for score shooters, and only 5 or 6 HBR Shooters..........jackie