NBRSA and good standing members

i didn't realize the NBRSA owned, maintained and managed benchrest.com. unless you are speaking on behalf of the BOD and/or the president, their opinions are just as relevant as yours or mine.

i may not have shot a match in the last couple of years but i promise i'm watching how this ordeal is being handled for when i do come back.

so, which was it?? unanimous, or was it 6 in favor with 2 abstaining?

6 in favor, two abstentions, what was not clear about what I said? Not one vote in against banishment. And Abstentions may only mean that the abstaining director felt that a conflict of interest personally may exist, and removed themselves from the vote accordingly. That is not un-noble nor unethical behavior, those gentlemen are entitled to act in the best interests of the organization, AS ARE ALL THE BOD.

I do not speak for anyone other than myself. But what is your concern about NBRSA, if you are not a contributing member? I have paid dues yearly, even in years I did not shoot.

Next, Hunter - Why are you concerned with this, unless you are a member? Seems like just regular internet trolling otherwise. Kinda like not voting in an election and bitching about the results. I'm not putting you on ignore, but unless you have a chip in the game.... you're not in the game.

Why don't we all wait, and see what the BOD et al, has to say, I would guess that some sort of information might be forthcoming. No internet lynching need occur before its time. Like I said before, lets hear the truth, and then everyone can decide for themselves.
What and why

While I'm mediocre shooter at best I have enjoyed my shooting and the matches I go to. I have never been to the nationals and few large shoots. I have been an NBRSA member for the last 21 years. All of this chatter deals with a situation we only know one side of that is a truth. But how long do we have to wait for the other side? Board of directors this, regional director that, I would not know any of them if they walked past. It's easy for me to take sides in this as I only know one side. I'm am waiting with baited breath for these people that are supposed to our leaders to put on a pair of pants stand up like men and say "Rodney is out and here's why". But since I have never met these people and have no expectations to I personally have little to no hope of hearing both sides. Let's stop hearing excuses and hear the news, it's past time to stop passing the buck. If there are contradicting opinions to this then just prove me wrong.
Respectively Mark Schwab
What could they possibly say that wouldn't be largely refuted? We can talk about this forever but I assure you it's a done deal....at least for now it is.

Did I miss where the 6 votes were all the same or is that an assumption?
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I just off phone with my director Jack Neary and he informed me that Gene Bukys will be posting a response on the forum soon. What soon is I do not know, just telling you what I was told. I did not ask Jack about situation and he did tell me he would have a full report at the November 11 Eastern Region meeting.

Good enough

As i said in my other post, I am not picking sides. But i am satisfied with Genes explanation. I am not saying that I know everything about this situation but I know enough of the people that made the decision to trust them. As I said before they had to have a good reason for doing what they did. I honestly believe that none of them wanted this. And I believe that Genes post is all I need to know. I am in no way calling anyone a liar one way or the other. But I can live with this explanation. Now let's all just go shoot!

Optimism is the madness of insisting that all is well, when we are miserable...Voltaire.

Rodney, I sure am glad it wasn't more serious - we might not have got your body back...especially if we were going to bury it in the "west".


I have heard from several people now that Kelbly's and the back cover was part of the problem. Two people even told me that Gene was fighting with Audrey over keeping Kelbly's on back cover because we had it first. Well all that could not be further from the truth. I informed Audrey Brown in July 2016 that Kelbly's would no longer be advertising in Precision Rifleman. The fight over the back cover was between Bullet Central and Bartlien barrels.

Thank you for correcting that issue Jim, I am a little deaf and when Audrey told me I thought that was what she said. I stand corrected.

I can't hear very well, but when I do, I make sure I have the facts correct before repeating.

Gene B and the BOD

I have known Gene since 2004, in my opinion no other shooter has carried himself with more humility, more dignity and more respect toward other shooters than he has. Myself included! I have also known Wayne Campbell and Jack Neary for that same amount of time. Neither of them have ever shown me any hint of vindictiveness toward a fellow competitor.

Being in a position of authority, forces one to sometimes make decisions that will ultimately lead to someone else being unhappy. That is a decision that I feel sure these three gentlemen did not take lightly and a decision that I myself am glad I was not forced to make.

To put these guys in that position, because we trusted them, then to slam them for the tough decisions we ask them to make for us seems cowardly at best.

Is a lifetime ban severe? Of course it is, but I personally feel that each one of those guys ask himself before casting his vote, is there another way? And to each one of them, apparently the answer was no.

To all directors of the NBRSA, thanks for the work you do!

Gene B and the BOD

I have known Gene since 2004, in my opinion no other shooter has carried himself with more humility, more dignity and more respect toward other shooters than he has. Myself included! I have also known Wayne Campbell and Jack Neary for that same amount of time. Neither of them have ever shown me any hint of vindictiveness toward a fellow competitor.

Being in a position of authority, forces one to sometimes make decisions that will ultimately lead to someone else being unhappy. That is a decision that I feel sure these three gentlemen did not take lightly and a decision that I myself am glad I was not forced to make.

To put these guys in that position, because we trusted them, then to slam them for the tough decisions we ask them to make for us seems cowardly at best.

Is a lifetime ban severe? Of course it is, but I personally feel that each one of those guys ask himself before casting his vote, is there another way? And to each one of them, apparently the answer was no.

To all directors of the NBRSA, thanks for the work you do!

I have known Gene since 2004, in my opinion no other shooter has carried himself with more humility, more dignity and more respect toward other shooters than he has. Myself included! I have also known Wayne Campbell and Jack Neary for that same amount of time. Neither of them have ever shown me any hint of vindictiveness toward a fellow competitor.

Being in a position of authority, forces one to sometimes make decisions that will ultimately lead to someone else being unhappy. That is a decision that I feel sure these three gentlemen did not take lightly and a decision that I myself am glad I was not forced to make.

To put these guys in that position, because we trusted them, then to slam them for the tough decisions we ask them to make for us seems cowardly at best.

Is a lifetime ban severe? Of course it is, but I personally feel that each one of those guys ask himself before casting his vote, is there another way? And to each one of them, apparently the answer was no.

To all directors of the NBRSA, thanks for the work you do!


I too want to thank all the match directors and thank all those that host matches as well. It's a privilege to me to be a member of this great group of people.
Charlie Hood
my two cents

while i no longer attend many shoots i have know Gene and others for a few years. That is beside the point. We elected them to do the best for of NBRSA. Not knowing the entire story, I have trust that have best intentions for our organization. THUS: I SUPPORT their actions. They would not have taken it if they did not think it was best for the organization.