NBRSA 200-300 Long Range Nationals, AKA "The Mike Bryant Show"

jackie schmidt

New member
Walker County Benchrest hosted the NBRSA 200-300 yard Long Range Nationals at Walker County Benchrest.

Attendance was light, but those that came brought their best. That included Gulf Coast Region Director Mike Bryant, who won 3 of the 4 Yardages, both Grand Aggs, and the Two Gun. The only thing he did not win was the LV 300, which was won by Jackie Schmidt.

Here are the Trophy Winners:
LV 200:
Mike Bryant
Larry Saavendra
Dickey Pustejovsky

LV 300:
Jackie Schmidt
Mike Bryant
Gary Walters

LV Grand:
Mike Bryant
Dickey Pustejovsky
Gary Walters

HV 200:
Mike Bryant
Larry Welch
Richard Pullum

HV 300:
Mike Bryant
Jackie Schmidt
Dickey Pustejovsky

HV Grand
Mike Bryant
Richard Pullum
Dickie Pustejovsky

2 Gun
Mike Bryant
Dickey Pustejovsky
Ashley Jones
Gary Walters
Glenn Chism
Larry Saavendra
Renard Alexander
William Brown
Larry Welch

Thanks to Larry and Bess Deese for another great shooting season at Walker County.



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Your on a tear this season. How did you let Jackie sneak in there? ----Bill

Thanks, Guys. Bill, I had it through the fourth target. Jackie’s last group was about .3” smaller than mine and that was enough to move him into 1st in the 300 LV. Mark, 6 PPC with Bro. D’s 66 gr 8.5 ogive BT. 133 in the LV and LT32 in the HV. Lederer 14 twist barrel in the LV and a Bartlein 13.85-75 barrel in the HV. Jackie was shooting a 6PPC with Krieger 12 twist and Bart’s Dominators also in a 6 PPC. It was pretty wild shooting groups at 300. I realized how much I judge group size by how it fits between rings. Every target at 300 would come back bigger than you thought it was. You’d think it was a .4 and it would come back a .7. Very hard to judge group size through a scope when the center ring is 1.5” and each ring is .75” apart. The 300 LV was shot mostly in the afternoon. You think mirage is bad at 200, you should see it at 300. It was very hard to see single bullet holes. If you had a couple go together it was a little easier to make out the holes.

Thanks to Larry, Bess and Dickie and the range crew for putting on a very smooth relaxed well run match. I enjoyed getting to meet and visit with a lot of the guys from south Texas who I don’t normally get to see in person. They may not consider themselves as being in South Texas, but where I live just about all of Texas is South Texas.

Congratulations to Jackie for his 300 LV win and to Dickie for his second in the two gun, but most of all congratulations to Ashley Jones for her 3rd in the Two Gun. She had an outstanding finish for a young new shooter and added some class to the awards ceremony. Young shooters like Ashley show there is a future to benchrest competition.
Congratulations Mike.
Do NBRSA 300 yd group targets have the red rings like the IBS targets do ?
Congrats Mike. What chambering?

I see the DEA was there. Hope no one got busted!


Good to be there Mark and help add some color to the occasion:D My search revealed no contraband drugs.

Mike Bryant took no prisoners. He's been on a roll lately. May have to schedule him for a performance enhancement drug test:D

PM me your mailing address.

Good to be there Mark and help add some color to the occasion:D My search revealed no contraband drugs.

Mike Bryant took no prisoners. He's been on a roll lately. May have to schedule him for a performance enhancement drug test:D

PM me your mailing address.


Mike, nice job! Glenn, are you mailing Mike's sample to Mark for evaluation? Mark is quite talented in numerous disciplines but this is a new one to me!
If anybody is interested, I shot my new combination, (for this year), In the LV and HV 300's yesterday. It is a .140 throat 6PPC in a 1-12 twist Krieger shooting the 80 grn Barts BT. The powder is H4895, 30.6 grns, which yields a tad over 3200 fps.

It shot quite well.

I was not there Saturday, (work), so I did not get to shoot the 200 yardages, but have shot this combo in three Group matches now and a couple of 200 yard VFS Aggs, and it seems to be a great combination.

I tried this on a whim, instead of going to a larger case. All I had to do was throat my standard .050 chamber out to .140 with a Pacific Precision Throater.
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