National Sporter Winner

I've never met you before, but I know how hard it is to shoot the little is my favorite rifle to shoot. Congratulations on a great win!! Your scores will be real hard to beat in the future. I don't know if it is a world record or not but it is the best scores I can remember. Sounds like that old Eck boy is a pretty good gunsmith too!!

Phil, a heartfelt thanks.
Tim, you are 1st class on the bench and off the bench. Thanks for all the helpful advise you gave me. It sure makes a 11 hour drive worth while when you can be shooting and learning from the top guy's in the country. I'm already looking forward to next year.
Looks like you made it home Hot Shot .Had a good time shooting and eating cookies with you great people.
Looks like you made it home Hot Shot .Had a good time shooting and eating cookies with you great people.

Mel, next year I will have my wife make a triple batch of cookies, 1 batch for you, 1 for Alan Hall and the 3rd for the rest of us. I really enjoyed the Nationals and meeting so many great people. Living in the Midwest I read about all of you guy's out there, but now I can put a face with the names. I was really impressed with some of the scores shot out there. I think Tim will have the sporter record for a long time. There was a lot of outstanding scores in less than ideal conditions. I'm going to have to practice up more before coming out there next year.