My Wife is a very lucky person

Congratulations, Butch!

Few couples reach that distinguished anniversary. All God's blessings on you two.
Just got back and seen the thread. Congrats Butch on the 50th Aniversary....see....nice guys do win sometimes.

As a side note, picked up the sieves from Steve....he built a very nice wood box for them.

Just got back and seen the thread. Congrats Butch on the 50th Aniversary....see....nice guys do win sometimes.

As a side note, picked up the sieves from Steve....he built a very nice wood box for them.



Butch, your a blessed man....!
Happy 50th
Butch: First off, congratulations. After all these years, have you ever considered maybe "YOU" are the lucky one?
The wife and I will hit 47 years next month and after all this time, I wouldn't change a thing.
And I think "I'am" the lucky one for her putting up with me for all these years.
I think finding the right mate has a lot to do with it. Few and far between. Don't mess with a GOOD thing.:D
Hey! Congratulation Butch.What a moment for you in your life. You have spent 50 golden years with your wife. How lucky you are. God bless you both.
Butch, grats and best wishes to you both from someone in the 54th year of this marriage thing our country needs more of.

Having met you both, I don't really see how she has put up with you this long!!!
Us too

Congrats Butch. My wife and I are celebrating our 50th on the 29th of this month. Our kids bought us an Alaskan cruise so we'll be on the water for the exact day. I think we know that the best way to get to this mark is to learn the art of swallowing words at the right time and how to compromise cheerfully. Also congrats to all who chimed in that have made it this far or more. :)