My new site,



Howdy all,

I have a new BR website at You may have visited my old site, which used to be at

A few years ago I became very busy and didn't renew the Wildshot domain, so I lost it. I may bring back the photos from Wildshot and post them to in the near future. My main objective for is to show how fun BR shooting is. Often we only congratulate the winners; there's nothing wrong with that, but they are very few. Most shooters come to have fun or to improve for themselves. If we didn't have these shooters, there would be no winners and there would be no point in going to the match. Some may disagree with me, but winning isn't everything. If that were so, I would have quit more than 30 years ago.

I think more than half of this forum's readers have never gone to a BR match. I want you to see how the match is running, there are a lot of nice people there.

Good shooting,

Turk Takano
Seems to be business as usual:

Allie's freezing

Walley's working

And Wilbur looks like the photographer just flashed him...........


I just looked through

the pictures on that site. Two things stuck out to me right away, 1. how many of those present had any hope of winning and 2, the faith people place in their powder measures.
Help me out...

I gotta get out more. What are the mirrors for?


I gotta get out more. What are the mirrors for?

My guess might be keeping an eye on the conditions coming through up or down range?

Enquiring minds want to know....

Mike Paul
I think it's Tinks'....

I believe this to be Dennis Tinkham's creative solution to watching wind flags in the aftermath of his earlier accident. If so, then I admire his determination and tenacity.
Take it again Sam.

Butch, You are right about your picture. It is not flattering but most of all it does not capture the inner beauty and sensitivity that resides deep in the core of Butch Lambert. Brutal dieting and exercise can take care of the big. Plastic surgery can take care of the old. Heck, look at Dick Clark. You will look beautiful as you truly are deep, very deep, inside. The problem is you will be hungry,exhausted, poor and probably grumpy. Now, there is an alternative that does not force you to starve yourself, exercise or spend a lot of money. I am talking about Benchrest Body Sculpting. We of the Benchrest BS institute can build you the face and physique of your dreams. We use the latest CNC, robotic technology manned by our highly trained and caring staff. Our past experience includes hundreds of procedures on mammals, reptiles, birds and amphibians. We never lost a patient although the Tasmanian devil did escape post op and now is Vice President. Our record is otherwise perfect. Our modern and spotless facility is situated in scenic Juarez the adventure lovers numero uno destination in all of Mexico. You will arrive by a 747 jetliner transporting light and heavy automatic weapons, rocket launchers, grenades and mines. These depart daily from the airport closest to your local gun store ( Where they were purchased by a straw buyer) and land in Juarez every 45 minutes. They then depart Juarez carrying illegal immigrants and land in Texas anywhere there isn't a green and white vehicle parked. This trip is free but you have to help fill water bottles on the way back. This trip will be pain free thanks to Jumping Dickie Flash (he's a gas, gas, gas) who will cover the anesthesia. Dickie recently was awarded caregiver of the year award for getting the in room surgery suite hospitality bar to stock two bottles of tequila for the longer procedures plus the surgeons and scrub nurses favorite chewing tobacco. His idea to paint the OR spittoons to look like open wounds drew quite a laugh from the staff. Well, Butch, we of the institute are anxious to help you achieve that look that shouts I am not big! I am not old! Because of benchrest BS I am beautiful and the camera loves me! Tim
Well Turk, I guess all the nagging and pestering I did to you paid off. As I had told you the old Wildshot site was great to show new shooters what formal benchrest is all about.

I'm assuming you did this all without help of your son??

Thanks for the gesture. Many will enjoy the site.

Thanks for the nagging over the last few years. I was thinking to bring back the site for a while. I'm not retired, and I never will be, so I have to find the time.

My son is my software adviser, but he is still in school and I cannot expect help from him on everything. Especially since this BR website is my project to start with. Old dogs have to learn new tricks, especially in the publication business. Things change quickly, and if I don't learn, I can't catch the train.

I have a ton of old pictures I would like to share in the future, going back to the 1970s era... yeah, I'm talking about before PPC... some will say this is from the BR stone age.

Think small,

Turk Takano

Thanks for the nagging over the last few years. I was thinking to bring back the site for a while. I'm not retired, and I never will be, so I have to find the time.

My son is my software adviser, but he is still in school and I cannot expect help from him on everything. Especially since this BR website is my project to start with. Old dogs have to learn new tricks, especially in the publication business. Things change quickly, and if I don't learn, I can't catch the train.

I have a ton of old pictures I would like to share in the future, going back to the 1970s era... yeah, I'm talking about before PPC... some will say this is from the BR stone age.

Think small,

Turk Takano
Thanks again Turk. We will all benefit, I'm certain.

Back in the '70's? Isn't that after you started shooting benchrest? Tee Hee.

Howdy all,

I have a new BR website at You may have visited my old site, which used to be at

A few years ago I became very busy and didn't renew the Wildshot domain, so I lost it. I may bring back the photos from Wildshot and post them to in the near future. My main objective for is to show how fun BR shooting is. Often we only congratulate the winners; there's nothing wrong with that, but they are very few. Most shooters come to have fun or to improve for themselves. If we didn't have these shooters, there would be no winners and there would be no point in going to the match. Some may disagree with me, but winning isn't everything. If that were so, I would have quit more than 30 years ago.

I think more than half of this forum's readers have never gone to a BR match. I want you to see how the match is running, there are a lot of nice people there.

Good shooting,

Turk Takano

when I click on a pic to see it larger there is no return arrow activation. When I click on the X it boots me from your webpage. --Greg
Hi Turk, how are u. Can you tell me what action is in the pic 8/16? Never seen it before. It's 3 lugs anyway....BAT, new?
Just curious here, seb.
That's right Woody

I believe this to be Dennis Tinkham's creative solution to watching wind flags in the aftermath of his earlier accident. If so, then I admire his determination and tenacity.

Every one will need a set of those mirrors. Tinkerbell shot a .178 in match 5 of the LV200 with those gadgets. You have to admire the guy for not giving up, even though he is the original Arkansas Flash.


try clicking on the picture when you get through. that should get you back to the smaller pictures.

when I click on a pic to see it larger there is no return arrow activation. When I click on the X it boots me from your webpage. --Greg


It's a confusing new innovation from WordPress, you just click on the picture again to put it back. It's actually handy, but disconcerting.

Just clik to enlarge the picture....... then make sure your cursor is on the pic and clik again to put it back.
