Michigan shooters... pay attention. Our matches are centrally located just west of Mt. Pleasant. We like to think that they are friendly, fair and fun. We give better than normal prizes this year since Jay's Sporting Goods decided to sponsor us. Winning either class will get you a Jay's gift certificate, twenty bucks cash from the club and one of the neat pins that Matt ordered for us.
If you are interested, contact me or Matt (pikedrop) and we will get you match schedules that have both a map and directions. The club is easy to find.
This year we have a special bonus... I have been elected, like it or not, to stop on my way to the match and pick up donuts from Cops and Doughnuts, the world famous bakery in Clare. I thought I got a ton of them last match and they just flat out disappeared. Screw the match... the donuts are worth the trip.
Matty... have some respect. Unertl is spelled... U-n-e-r-t-l.