Most important

I was looking at the first post and he asked about building a custom rifle for benchrest. I did not see where he asked about a custom rifle for prone but any info on what it takes to build and shoot an accurate gun I am sure would be welcomed by the poster.

I’m thinking rite now F class just try to gain a little equipment knowledge so I could have a few questions lined up before I go to watch a match and ask questions or search on internet
right here which is why i asked if he was a spammer...contradicting info
you do know that fclass is not part of benchrest, right ???
Yes I do, Im not taking up the other guys fight but are you saying anybody that’s asking questions here about building an “accurate rifle“ should not ask here if there is a chance that rifle could be used for F Class? And yes some aspects of A FClass build is different than for straight Bench rest gun! But a lot that make a rifle more accurate WILL work for either. I doubt it will matter because the gentlemen Will probably never return to this site because of the way, he was he ridiculed by asking some simple questions and no I’m not a spammer either
FT. Here is a place to start.
When I started years ago I researched who built winning rifles. I found one of his guns less than a year old. I bought it for just over half of the cost of s new build. The next year I had the same Smith build me another new rifle. Close 30 years later I am still shooting and winning with those rifles, plus another used rifle from a name builder. I would never advise a shooter to start off by building a rifle. Tons of good used rifles at about half price out there to start and learn on.