More Sad News - It has been a bad year for the Bench Rest community

Long time Bench Rest competitor Dean Parker passed away last night. Dean was a quiet person who enjoyed the friendships made at matches as much as the actual competition. Dean had a little machine shop at his house and spent hours entertaining visitors while chambering barrels or whatever. He truly loved puttering in his shop and talking shooting sports. For many years Dave Tunbridge, myself, Ron Duffin, Roger Freeman et al would meet in his shop on Tuesday evenings and discuss shooting topics and match times. Dean never had a cross word for anyone and frequently did work gratis for those of limited means.

Dean we are gonna miss you and hope you organizing a card game in the great beyond! If you will, please remember Dean in your prayers tonight...
I could not attend the match in Springville last weekend and that makes me feel really bad not to see Dean at his last match. He was truly a kind and good person that was admired and a friend of all that knew him.......WOW we lost a good one here, prayers for him and his family
Long time Bench Rest competitor Dean Parker passed away last night. Dean was a quiet person who enjoyed the friendships made at matches as much as the actual competition. Dean had a little machine shop at his house and spent hours entertaining visitors while chambering barrels or whatever. He truly loved puttering in his shop and talking shooting sports. For many years Dave Tunbridge, myself, Ron Duffin, Roger Freeman et al would meet in his shop on Tuesday evenings and discuss shooting topics and match times. Dean never had a cross word for anyone and frequently did work gratis for those of limited means.

Dean we are gonna miss you and hope you organizing a card game in the great beyond! If you will, please remember Dean in your prayers tonight...

Rest in Peace Dean
It was good to see you this last weekend
Kelly Ellis
Many years ago, when Terry and I frequented PDTC (Don Deckert's) tournaments, Dean, a frequent attendee, & as pointed out above, a very quiet man, provided one of my all-time favorite BR memories: I was sitting to Dean's left, shooting a Don Judd smithed 6PPC, and, for yours truly, working on an unusually small group (first four in a ZERO), watching Dean's windicator - an unpainted "farm/home" galvanized wind-mill! Dean was finished, and watching to see how I finished . . . well mannered and quiet, tho he was, when my fifth shot left a full bullet of paper between itself and the first four, Dean blurted out, "what'd you do THAT for?" :p A few seconds later, upon the, "cease fire", he apologized.:D Surely, he'll have a bench in heaven. RG
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Dean was one of the nicest people I have ever met, Never saw him get upset with anyone. It is hard to believe that I shot with him all last weekend and now he is gone. It was always enjoyable chatting with Dean, he had a great sense of humor. We are diminished.
Fair Winds and Following Seas old friend.
Rest In peace Dean

A soft spoken, friendly,nice guy. Enjoyed meeting him at various matches. There is a nice place in heaven for people like you Dean.
Bill Summers
No words can adequately describe the love and respect me, and my boys have for this fine man. Dean was our mentor when we first started in benchrest in 2001. He was always so kind and took us under his wing and showed us the ropes. The world of benchrest will greatly miss him. Our love and condolences go out to his good wife and family. Prayers in their behalf. The King Boys.

Not, how did he die, but how did he live?
Not, what did he gain, but what did he give?
These are the units to measure the worth
Of a man as a man, regardless of his birth.

I am fortunate to have known you and call you a friend.
What'd you do that for !
I've heard that from dean for many a years and he always chuckled . I just tell him I couldn't help my self or my barrel was slightly bent .(on a barrel he chambered for me).what a great human being .
He will truly be missed . my heart and children's hearts go out to the family. Dean you will be truly missed .