Mole Repellent

These castor mixes have worked for me on moles. They moved on.

Where they went I do not know.

Also works on moving Chipmonks as well. They tend to move into mole digs.
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I flunked chemistry in high school so when we had mole problems we let the neighbors cat take care of them. You should have seen her laying on the tunnels waiting for them. Sometimes the warm sun was too much for her and the moles escaped while she slept!:D
The best way to get rid on Moles? Patience and perserverience. Look for fresh hills. The moles work at night so first thing in the AM, There they are!
Knock all the hills down. When you see a "fresh" one, get the garden hose out, stuff it in the hole and turn it on. Won't be long before the Mole comes up for air. That's the time to start singing "Drop kick me Jesus through the goal post of life". Takes lots of patience but it works.
44Mag works great on gophers!
We have feral toads here. The local system is to use a good No 7 iron & lift your head slightly as you bring the club face past your rear foot. Sounds like it could work on the moles & it would keep your Nikes clean as well.
I dunno.... It sure doesn't hurt the yard :)

BTW, the old garden hose trick don't work here.... nor the tailpipe trick, nor the smoke bombs nor anything I've ever heard of except old fashioned trapping (a lot of work) and this spray.
What works for me is Juicy fruit gum. Tear up sticks of it in fingernail size pieces and spread it around holes and runs. They eat it and die, I guess from plugged poopers or something. Cheap and easy to try to see if it works on your critters.
Mole Jihad

There is another solution for your mole infestation. Import radical Islamic moles from the caves in the tribal regions of Pakistan. You can tell if you have the real thing because they all have little beards and beat their female moles with rotten grubs. Equip them with ricin suicide vests and turn them loose in the tunnels. Be sure to block the entrances with a little bit of salt pork so they don't escape and radicalize any immigrant moles from surrounding lawns. Tim
Now that all the moles are dead, how do I get rid of the armadillos. I just had an acre hydro mulched and they are just tearing it up. No, I'm not going to stay up all night and try to shoot them.
Unclean! Unclean!

Butch, Armadillos can be trapped with those slam shut wire cage traps. They like to travel along borders so make a short funnel like border with rocks, boards, old benchrest barrels or whatever. Make the narrow end at the trap entrance. You don't have to bait the trap. Don't handle or molest the armadillos as they can carry leprosy. We don't want you having to wear a white robe, constantly ringing a bell and crying out a loud Unclean! Unclean! as they did in ancient times... at least any more then you do now. Tim
Holey Cow, I'm honored in me' thread..... words from The Blenderman hissownself. The Father of mole repellents

I prostrate me'sel' before the oh mighty wise and gas-powered one

someday I'll have a blender like yours

To kill the grubs the best thing ever available was discontinued by our wonderful vovt.

Dursban-if you can find some-it kills the grubs.
Al dont let Doc Tim fool you. He has had gas powered ones since at least 03.
I remember margaritas after a match in Denton once.
Butt now on the other hand maybe Tim is referring to a different GAS...???