Modeling clay for bedding

Playdough is all I ever use. When it dries, it's easily picked out of threads and holes. A bit of paste wax on a Q tip is all you need in areas like holes and threads before hand.

The yellow is my favorite.......;) -Al
I can fill most voids with denser grades of Styrofoam cut oversize with a razor sharp blade & squished in. It's particularly good in magazine cutouts & the corresponding void in stocks.
I can fill most voids with denser grades of Styrofoam cut oversize with a razor sharp blade & squished in. It's particularly good in magazine cutouts & the corresponding void in stocks.

Or backer rod.

Rope caulk is easy to use and makes a neat termination at the forward end of the action.
I use modeling clay and the little foam ear plugs. The ear plugs are great for little holes and other things. Just cut a small piece off compress and put in hole. It'll expand and keep the bedding out of that particular area, plus much easier to remove when done.
I use modeling clay and the little foam ear plugs. The ear plugs are great for little holes and other things. Just cut a small piece off compress and put in hole. It'll expand and keep the bedding out of that particular area, plus much easier to remove when done.

inspired..... :)
A friend of mine makes shooting mats and coats. I get his foam off cuts and use then to fill as much as I can before the plasticine. It can even be sprayed with release to be easier to pull out.